Meetings and Mayhem

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A/N: I need the Americans to keep in mind that in England cigarettes are "fags" also babes I'm INFINITELY sorry for being away for so long I had some mental health shit and then I was really really sick for about two weeks so I'm so so sorry!! Also, there is some French in this chapter but I don't speak French so I had to translate and backward translate so if it's wrong, please correct me! <333

Evie's pov

Meetings were soon organized after having to coax a couple of people to trust Harry. Hermione wasn't able to find a place to hold the meetings but Neville was. The room of requirement was more than perfect for the meetings but it was getting in that was the tricky bit. Ron had proposed using the invisibility cloak and having Harry take one person over at a time. Hermione shot that down immediately saying that not only was it too tedious, but most people didn't know about the cloak in the first place and shouldn't at all. Soon enough we figured out a system that worked around Mrs. Norris and Filch and got to work.

"All right everyone," Harry said nervously, "I think we should start by saying that absolutely no one else can know about this, especially the Slytherins as most of them are on the opposing side..." he trailed for just a minute, "note that if Umbridge finds out about this we will all face the consequences not just me or Evie or anyone else. If one of us goes down we all do, so if you're not okay with that I suggest turning around now." A few people shifted awkwardly but for the most part, everyone stayed put. "Brilliant. I think we should begin with easier defensive spells before just jumping headfirst into the more difficult ones."

"That's unlike you," Ginny raised her eyebrow at him as she stood at the front of the group of students before us.

Harry chuckled, "Well, what can I say? I'm evolving," he shot her a wink. She seemed to be fighting the blush creeping to her cheeks as she stepped back.

Very strange behavior on Harry's part. So strange in fact that I looked at Hermione and Ron to see if they thought it was strange too. They did. Ron had his eyebrows slightly furrowed and Hermione's mouth twitched like she was about to speak but decided against it. I thought about how if dad and Padfoot were there, they might think that was a very James-y move. Still, it was one thing, and I was thinking much too far into it.

"Er.. okay everyone," I began, "so I think we should start by learning to disarm. A simple spell, but very effective."

"Perfect," Harry said, "okay so everybody divide as evenly as possible into two groups. One group will go to that end of the room with Evie, the other on this side with me."

There were many arguments over who was going to get to be in Harry's group. A couple of the boys proposed splitting into gender groups but Hermione, Ginny, and I ended that reign of terror the second it began. In the end, my group consisted of: Ginny, Fred, George, Neville, Luna, Hermione, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, and a Hufflepuff boy I'd never really met called Justin Fletchley.

"Doesn't it bother you that everyone wanted to be in Harry's group so bad?" Ginny asked into my ear on the way to our end of the room.

"You mean does it bother me that you joined my group and not your Chosen One boyfriend's out of pity?"

"Evie!" Ginny shouted causing people to look in our direction. She narrowed her eyes at the few still looking until they turned away. Her voice quickly turned into a whisper, "Harry is not my boyfriend. Besides I'd rather be in your group anyway. Little do they know you grew up with the man that taught him everything he knows."

I chuckled, "Well, fair enough and I've never seen you blush when a boy talked to you before so..." she elbowed me hard in the side, "Ow!" I said chuckling.

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