Now. I regret what I did next... so please don't be too mad at me for it.

Okay, fine! You have every right to be mad at me, so go ahead. It's not like I care anyway.

"Just go to hell, Indigo!" I muttered bitterly. She glanced up at me, a confused little look on her face, like she couldn't believe what she'd heard.


"Just DIE already," I screeched, "then you can be a happy little ghost floating around with your stupid dead sister, if you love her so much! I hope you both go to hell and burn!"

As I said... I... that was kinda messed up.

Lime's PoV:

"I hope you both go to hell and burn!"

The voice came from the cafeteria. James... uh, I mean, Black and I immediately exchanged nervous glances. What on Earth... what on the Skeld had we just walked into? All I knew was that Rose was definitely involved.

We both quickly turned the corner, and saw Rose lashing out at Indigo, who now seemed extremely upset. "Usual?" Black asked and I nodded.

"Must have been. Indie's so kind, she never gives up."

"Okay. If you console her, I'll go deal with Rose?" He offered, but I shook my head gently.

Black was the calmest person I'd ever met, had amazing patience and I'm pretty sure I've only heard him raise his voice like... twice. Yet Rose is... I hate to say this, but... difficult?

Anyway. He knows that she scares me sometimes when she's in this kind of mood... but I'm supposed to be the one who's good with kids, right?
Many other people's words, not mine.

"It's okay, I'll... see if I can talk it out with her. We're all a little tense right now, so... it could be down to stress" I suggested in a slightly hopeful tone. James gave me a small smile before heading over to separate Indigo and Rose.

Taking a deep breath, I mustered the courage to also walk over. "So... about that" I began, but Rose just sighed heavily, dramatically rolling her eyes and turning away from me.
"C'mon, Rose. Please... talk to me."

It took a long time. But she eventually began talking.

"What if I just ask you a few questions? And you can reply with yes or no. Or you don't even have to speak if you don't want to" I offered before pausing, hoping for a sign that she hadn't completely blanked me out by now.
"You were being mean to Indigo?"

Rose nodded.

"And this was because she was trying to help you?". This was answered with another nod.

"But I don't need help" she mumbled.

"No? So you're completely happy with everything?"


"What aren't you happy with?" I asked.

Rose finally glanced up at me, and that's when I noticed how tired and pale she looked. "Me."

Shocked, I awaited further explanation.

"Well I..." she began, before fearfully glancing around. "Black is with Indigo, right?"

"Yeah, why? I-Is something wrong?" I replied, more than slightly unnerved by her anxious tone.

She sighed in relief. "Good. Because... I... I think I made Mango almost eject herself."

I'm still not exactly sure what I had been expecting... but it definitely wasn't that...

"I-I- I'm dangerous to people, I'm just..." she began sobbing, "just like my father, like everyone says. They're right."

"Hey, that's not true." I gently said, "because you're feeling this shows that you actually do care about the people you've hurt, which means you have a conscience. You're not like him"

"How would you know?" She asked, before realising. "Oh, yeah... he bullied you. But that just means you know how Mango feels... and Indie, and, well... everyone else. Surely you know how bad I'm making these people feel... you should hate me."

"No, Rose. I don't. Besides, you're still young, learning. And I know you can turn it around if you try, it seems like you have the motivation to do that. So please try for me, okay?"

Rose considered and nodded. I offered her a cookie but she refused.
"Nope. Cookies are gross."
But... everyone likes cookies! I know she does...
"Besides, I'm not even hungry anyway." She claimed, letting out a yawn. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes............. Okay, maybe not?" She declared, eyes filling up with fresh tears. "I mean... I
g-guess 'passing out a couple times because you've possibly skipped a few too many meals' isn't 'fine', is it?"

"Hey" I murmured, placing my hand on her shoulder, attempting to hide my shock. She... how come I didn't realise? I'm such... such a bad parent figure, Teal's father is right. "You're doing this to yourself, okay? You just need the right help for you, and we can make it better. But... why are you doing it?"

"Because I deserve it" she bluntly replied, staring at the table.

"You don't" I insisted, considering giving her a hug but eventually deciding against it.
"Well... so, if you like, I can go check on Mango now?" I questioned, and Rose nodded. "Okay. I'll be back to see how you're doing later then. And... try to eat something, okay?"

I turned away and began walking off, but abruptly stopped when I hears Rose reply "thanks, dad".

"Uh... pardon?"

Quickly shaking her head, she assured me it was an accident. "Umm... uh - I didn't even realise I said that..." she claimed.

"I... but how could you even mistake me for Pink?" I asked. She shrugged. "Do I... remind you of him? But how...?"

"In some ways," she replied, gaze burning into the floor, "like... you care about me, see the good in me... you love me even when I don't deserve it"

...well I... I never realised that she ever noticed, or appreciated the fact that I loved her. "But you do deserve it!"

"Hmm. Oki then" she replied, but still seemed extremely unconvinced. Suddenly, her expression changed. "I... something else I wanna tell you. Guess it's a little trivial, but I'm kinda also sad because Peach loves Emerald. It's like... she doesn't really care about me any more... she's always with him, and I'm - I don't know - jealous maybe?"

...How come I didn't know that?

"Well," I suggested, "I'm sure she's not doing it on purpose... maybe you could try talking to her about it"

"Ew, definitely not!" She exclaimed, though she smiled a bit, picking up her tablet and the cookie from the table before heading off in the direction of the reactor.
"Thanks... dad!"

Heh. Maybe I'm not terrible after all.

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