Tetanus Jab 2.0 (Jungkook Littlespace Hurtfic)

Start from the beginning

It had been only an year since Jungkook developed involuntary age regression. I didn't find it necessary to inform the teacher, thinking that something would hardly happen at school.

The teacher and the nurse must have found it weird the way he was behaving like a toddler, while I was treating him like a baby.

So, the nurse asked, "Umm... What's the matter? I've never seen him behaving that way."

It was the time to explain them about his condition.

With Jungkook still hugging me tightly, not daring to look at anyone, I said, "Actually... He's a little. Pain and extreme stress triggers his condition. I apologise for the botheration."

"No, that's completely fine doctor.." the nurse replied, smiling at both of us.

"Thankyou for understanding... Umm so... Where is he hurt?"

The teacher pointed towards his left foot saying, "There it is. He's a small glass shard stuck into it."

Breaking the hug slowly, I face palmed him, wiping away his tears and asked, "Baby~ can I check your booboo?"

He tilted his head from side to side, sniffling a little. Kissing his forehead, I grinned at him.

"That's like my good boy."

Placing his foot gently on the table, I examined the injury. The cut was neither too big nor deep.

As he was injured by a test tube, I asked the teacher, "Was there anything inside the tube?"

"No, but since morning, many students must have used it for different purposes. So it wasn't completely clean."

"Hm... That's okay. I guess I gotta treat his wound here only. Can you give me a pair of gloves and tweezers?"

"Sure doc." the nurse said, shifting the trolley beside me. When Jungkook saw her advancing towards us, he began wailing again, clinging to my shirt.

"Hyun'ie! I'm scared!"

I rubbed soothing circles on his back amd whispered in his ear, "It's alright baby... I'm here with you, yeah? There's nothing to be scared of."

The nurse's presence was making him quite uncomfortable, so she herself said, "Umm.. I guess we should wait outside until you treat him. If you need something, just call me."

"Sure, Thankyou."

With a smile, both of them left the room, shutting the door behind us.

"Baby~ see, there's no one around. Open your eyes koo."

He opened the eyes to look around, loosening the grip on my shirt simultaneously as there was no nurse.

"Koo, can you lie on your back? I'll make your booboo go away really quick, yeah?" I said, helping him lie in the position.

"Hmm...." he said with teary eyes, looking at me while biting his lip.

I grabbed a stool and sat near the table.

Wearing the purple medical gloves, I said, "How did my little koo get hurt?"

With shaky voice, he mumbled, "Me and Roonji' were pewfowmin' a test in the lab.."

"Oh, what kind of experiment were you performing?" I asked, placing the glass shard in between the tweezers, ready to be pulled out.

As Jungkook was busy narrating the whole incident while staring at the off-white fan on the ceiling, I pulled out the glass piece in one go.

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