Chapter 6

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Walking home, from school with an angry mommabear is probably the worst walk you could ever take. Your own mother ignores you and sighs every two seconds about what an immature bloody cow you are. And that's what's happening to me right now.

Following her like a lost puppy, not questioning her where we're going AGAIN, since we passed the road that we always take home and the last answer I got to a simple polite question, was a high pitched voice saying 'That's for me to know' which led us to another fight.

Oh, did I mention that she nearly slapped her 16 year old girl and before you ask, I was still 6 to her. She could do everything she wanted to me, yeah, that's what she thought.

The sad thing is that I promised - no, scratch that - I freaking swore to God that I'll behave and learn and do my homework in exchange to see Justin one more time next week. It'd be like an anniversary. We met almost 2 years ago, but nooo, I had to get into a fight with my own parent. Oh and no, Jelena dosn't exist anymore.

Mommabear walked between two cars to cross the street, men's voices kept yelling at each-other. I turned my head at my left to watch out if the car will in all of a sudden start driving. Even if dying was a great option, I had to make sure I wasn't dead till that day.

But the unexpected happened. A young boy, almost 20 was in the driver's seat and let me tell you something you could recognize that face a mile away, because he looked almost exactly like Justin. You could even call him that, because they're related. It was Dan, my ex's older brother with some guys in his car.

Feeling a huge pit in my stomach, my heart's beats getting faster every second that passed away, I felt like vomitting. It was my thing. Whenever I saw Justin or even planned on seeing him, my stomach would start aching - physically - and I couldn't even call them butterflies, they were like people stabbing me while my heart couldn't slow down its beats. My head would start twirling around and I'd think I was dying, but no I was just thinking about the love of my life.

I quickly looked down, wondering if I should check if Justin was in the car or not. But what if I looked ugly and he'd laugh while looking at me? Being a girl is frustrating. I took a bunch of quick glances over the car, but not long enough to see who was with Dan.

As I crossed the road, the car sped up, leaving me and my thoughts alone. How easy it was for the man up there to play around with me? I have not seen my dickhead for more than 7 months and we live in the smallest city ever. I swear it's like he's a ghost.

I mean, my classmates and I went to have lunch together and there was no sign of him. Two days later, they asked me again but I rejected and my best friend Diana saw him and it was completely unfair.

After arriving home, I hopped in bed. It's so weird to see how things changed over 2 years. If things were hard then, I can't even imagine how these days are called. I closed my eyes getting flashbacks from the start.


"Jardon?" I asked out of the blue, wondering if that was Jardon. Okay, I admit it. I was overreacting and sort of using him. I haven't seen him in months, but the fact that he knew Justin overwhelmed me.

Let's not forget the fact that my best friend, aka Taylor had him as a friend in facebook and that made me mad at her, but she had a good ass excuse. Since she was a perfect 1 zillion, she had boys under her feet, so of course he wanted to know her better. That's partially true in fact.. he sent her a friend request but they never talked, so I was okay with that.

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