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"Heeseung hyung is right, she's definitely annoying"

Niki has been talking about how annoying Trissa was on the restaurant. Sunoo try to shush his boyfriend but if he was there at that time, he's going to be the one who need the shushing. Jungwon just sit silent on the Café En- with his two friends, curiously waiting for Jay to call or at least message him to let them know his fine or not since he ran out from the restaurant when Trissa arrived and argued with Niki

Jay just want to feel some fresh air and actually, he will choose to disappear or stay with aliens instead of Trissa trying to marry him. He really do show and even tell her that he's not interest in her but Trissa won't listen and keep annoying Jay just to have his heart. Meanwhile, his friends doesn't know where he goes and they just wait for him on Engene's café because they understand how much alone time he need to calm himself.....Resentment, Anger and Shame

Heeseung also has been busy trying to know where his best friend went to but the phone call doesn't really help him at all. While he's just standing near the Cashier's table, the Café's door suddenly throw open by Trissa who has a shock expression on her face

"Heeseung oppa?"

"T-Trissa? What the hell are you doing he-" Heeseung almost drop his phone when the girl suddenly hug him and repeatedly saying how much she miss him "I-..Trissa, I'm a married man, get off me-"

"Oppa, do you know where's Jay oppa is?" Trissa ask, that's when Jungwon, Sunoo and Niki noticed the girl hugging their hyung on the shop. Heeseung literally look uncomfortable while Trissa just continue smiling like a saint
"No but g-get off me first"

Heeseung tried to pull her hands down but Trissa just tighten her gribs without really knowing Heeseung already has a wife. Meanwhile, Engene just come out from the kitchen to give hot chocolates to Jungwon and Sunki couple "what the fuc- LEE HEESEUNG!!"

"I-.... E-Engene? Gosh, Trissa get off me please" Heeseung sternly push Trissa away from him as the others look at them like a big a show happens in real life. Engene approach his husband and the stranger who can't take her hands off from Heeseung "Yah, you bish get the fuc out from my shop!"

"Wow, calm down sis! I'm here just to greet Heeseung oppa-" Trissa raised her hands and step back away from the older boy. "Sis?" Engene question with a frown on her face while Trissa just smile to her and suddenly face the three boys who are sitting on their casual table. Trissa smile abit towards Jungwon and then put a stern face

"Yang Jungwon, meet me on Park Designing Company building tonight, come alone or you know what I can do to you right?"

Trissa cheekily smile to them for the last time and went out from the shop. Finally, Heeseung can exhale all the breadths he has been holding while Engene continue glaring at his husband with mad face "Who is she?"

"I don't know what exactly she has been doing to you but I'm gonna make sure to end her like with my bare hands" Sunoo furiously groan on his seat and hold Jungwon's hand "I will come with you, I won't let you go alone to that bish.... I can feel that she's trying to hurt you"

"No hyung, I need to settle this. I'm not afraid of her but I just don't want to cause more troubles to you all because of me. And she needs to know that she makes Jay hyung's life miserable" Jungwon just look down at his feet, even though he would said things like that, he doesn't really know how to settle this either but he just dont want to lose at Trissa

"Wonnie, seriously? What if she hurt you when you meet her tonight?" Sunoo worriedly asked and even try to ask more but Niki suddenly hold his hand and squeeze abit "Babe, look at Jungwon hyung. Just let him do whatever he likes and it's Jay's priority"

"I don't understand, you make me curious and definitely confuse" but then, Niki will just smile at Sunoo while Jungwon continuously glance at his wristwatch "I'll go now....tell me if Jay hyung calls you"

Sunoo has no time to pulled back his best friend from going towards the danger. Jungwon nervously walk to the main street and used the taxi to drive back on the company. The place is dark, the building isn't closed yet but most of the workers have already went home while Jungwon just stand there doing nothing

If she want to hurt me, she'll probably choose quiet place or alleyway rather than a company building...right? Jungwon just sigh, half of himself believe that Trissa will surely make him stay away from Jay, while part of him thinks that she will just say something instead of an actions. His minds are fighting over with different questions again and again, he knows that he really need to settle things with her since today is the first day they met and they're already hate each other only in an hour

Jungwon can hear the footsteps, the clicking of the high heels in the tile floors can be clearly heard by anyone on that lonely building. Trissa is a much shorter than Jungwon, but their eyes can met at the same level because of her over high heels shoes. She's continue smirking at Jungwon until she stand infront of the boy

"At first, I found you very cute and thought that we can be good friends but then...you're just the piece of shit that block my life from succession in having Jay oppa to be my husband" Trissa said all that to Jungwon with a smile, but before Jungwon even get the chance to talk, She'll just continue asking a difficult question for him

"What's your relationship with Jay oppa?"

Jungwon stiffen a bit, thinking how he's going to answer her..if I say, we're just friends, she will definitely disturb Jay hyung again but what should I say..Gosh, bish you-

"Jay hyung is my boyfriend!"

Of course, Trissa widen her eyes as big as possible, continuously shooking her head and furiously walk towards Jungwon who just stood there without knowing what to do because he lied, but he lied so Trissa won't disturb his boss again. The truth is, they aren't dating and Trissa won't believed until she sees the prove

"You lying Bitc-"

Trissa raise her hand and try to slap Jungwon on his face but the strong grib on her wrist stop the hand from landing on the boy's cheek. She look at her side and she gets scare when he sees the death glares from the boy she loves

"J-Jay oppa-"

"I will never let you hurt my boyfriend!"


Wow this pucking short dramatic stowiee~

Many things can happen in just one day! Love yaaa~

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