I was trembling when he finished his speech. Usually mentioning my past life always worked and he always backed up at least a little, in his own way. Today it only angered him further.

Even without mentioning Nick, I went a step too far and I should've chosen my words more carefully and save my speech about freedom. I realized that too late Andrew's eyes were drilling holes into my soul and his voice was becoming gradually more chilling which would be an amazing ability if it wasn't so damn scary.

"From now on Jacquline will not be giving you money, I will. Every purchase that is not ordered online will be authorized by me until I trust you to act responsibly. You're grounded I think that's obvious. Let's leave it at one month for now and we will see how your behavior improves from this point forward. Now let's move to another issue. Tell me who was the boy you were speaking to at the party"

How the hell did he know I was talking to a boy? He couldn't know.

"Nick. He's a friend. From my school" I responded automatically. I knew my phone had a tracker did it have a recorder as well? Thinking about throwing my phone out of the window right now.

"That's the last time you were speaking to him. He's a clearly bad influence" Andrew decided in a cold, indifferent voice. My eyes teared up.

"You can't forbid me from speaking to him please I really like him"

"I just did Elisabeth," he said simply as if it wasn't even relevant "As for your... career it's suspended until I say it isn't"

No. He did not just say that. I only did one campaign. He couldn't do that to me.

"Please don't do this. I'm sorry you can't take this away from me, please!! I finally felt like I'm worth something"

"Continue protesting and I will simply remove your name from the agency completely"

I hated him right now.

That also shut me up. Tears were flowing freely now.

"I am leaving tomorrow on an important hearing in the capital. During my absence, you're only allowed to leave the house for school. I will be back on Friday" he said getting out of the chair, ready to leave me all miserable.

"How did you know that I met with Nick?" I repeated my question seeing that he's finished.

"Russell told me"

"Russell? I don't understand how did he found out about it?"

"It's his job to know, he's your private protection officer after all"

"Private what? So he wasn't my driver?"

"That's a part of his job description"

"You're not telling me anything! I am kept completely in the dark. First, someone tries to kill me at the hospital, then you keep me locked up in the house, and then I learn that even before the incident at the hospital I was tailed by the bodyguard? What is going on? I want to know"

"You want the truth then? Fine. I will tell you everything I can, let's clear things up. The hit and run your mother was involved in wasn't an accident"

"What are you saying? What do you mean not an accident?"

"As you know I work as a prosecutor. I'm leading a team involved with dismantling criminal organizations. Usually, they just don't go around and target law enforcement families. This case is different"

"Murdered. Mother was murdered? And now they want to kill me"

I didn't want to know it. Why would he tell me this?

"Yes. The longer investigation takes place the more violent he becomes"

"You just told me someone murdered my mother and is about to kill me"


This is not real. This can't be real. It's not happening.

I stormed out of the room and went to my bedroom.

I was relieved that he let me left the room wordlessly without saying a word. To be honest I wouldn't be able to speak even if I wanted to. I was too shocked.

I locked the door to my bedroom and made sure no one disturbs me and started crying. This time quietly.

Did it hurt? How much she suffered in her last moments?

After that, I was sent to my room. Believe me, I wanted to protest but I just couldn't. I felt numb.

When walking upstairs I was crying so loudly I woke up both Max and Dan. We all ended up in the corridor. They gave each other looks and then they both pointed their stares at me.

"Alright come here" Dan sighed and gave me a hug which I really appreciated. Max saw this as a cue to come back to sleep because apparently, it was Dan who decided to take care of my crying fit. I was grateful.

Dan was big, I easily fit in his broad shoulders and it was warm. I totally ruined his shirt while he was gently stroking my hair in a calming gesture.

"Little one you're going to dehydrate if you keep crying like that" I was really small in comparison with him but this nickname was embarrassing. "Come down Ellie, breath"

I followed his instructions until my breath becomes more even and tears stopped flowing.

I fell asleep hugged to Dan's chest.
Hi guys,

Have a nice day! Or night. (this chapter was difficult to write) 😭♥️

Thank you for all your comments and votes. ♥️

House Empty Like My HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora