Ch. 39: What is Justice?

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Bakugo's POV

(Y/n) collapsed onto the ground, screaming in agony. I stood frozen staring at my bloodstained hand, unable to escape the immediate shock. Valentina and Sir Tokoyami had rushed off upon my order to find help, and Lady Momo was on the ground trying to console (Y/n). Yet while everyone was trying to help the girl who had just escaped her captor and her abuser, I did nothing. The same thought ran through my brain on loop-- I did this.

When Lisander used his quirk on me, I lost control of my body. I so desperately wished not to have seen myself do such terrible things to (Y/n) and say such awful words, but I was not lucky enough for that. It was as if I were chained to a chair, watching someone else take over my controls. The wound spanning across the entirety of (Y/n)'s back was my fault. I did that with my own sword and no hesitation. I could have paralyzed her! Or even killed her!

"Where is my sister?" (Y/n) managed to get out, clearly still in excruciating pain.

"Her and Sir Tokoyami went to find a doctor. (Y/n), wait! You shouldn't stand up!" Lady Momo exclaimed, catching my attention. I broke out of my trance and directed my focus toward (Y/n) who looked to be attempting to stand. I immediately rushed over and Lady Momo stepped out of the way.

"Sit down, idiot! Do you want to die or something?!" I scolded her out of fear, not anger. (Y/n) fell forward into my arms and I sat her back down onto the ground. She began laughing, but her face did not match the emotion she was attempting to get across.

"I'm not sad," (Y/n) giggled as tears streamed from her face. I held her up so she wouldn't have pressure on her back, her head resting on my shoulder. She was falling into hysterics, which was quite valid given what she had just been through.

"I'm finally free and here I am sobbing like a little child who wandered too far into the woods and can't find their way back home," (Y/n) laughed some more, as if she believed that forcing herself to laugh would stop her from crying.

"(Y/n), it's okay to be upset--" Lady Momo interjected, standing awkwardly off to the side of us. Todoroki and the sirens were tending to Cadenza so they weren't exactly aware of what was happening. 

"Momo, you've always been so kind... always known right from wrong. Yet, here you are-- associating yourself with me. I'm quite literally an accomplice to murder!" (Y/n) continued her laugh-sob, gripping onto my shirt, damp from the storms. 

"(Y/n), there was no other option... you're not the bad guy here," Momo tried to reassure her, but I knew that she was being too gentle. (Y/n) needed someone to slap her back to her senses, as harsh as it seemed.

"Not the bad guy?! Then who is! Tell me, Momo, who would you like to blame here? Because, as I see it, none of this would have happened if it weren't for me. I baited this entire situation!" (Y/n) yelled at her best friend and attempted to stand up, but I pulled her back down.

"Shut up, (Y/n), you're going to cause more harm than good here. Just breath for a minute, will you?" I snapped at (Y/n), but she listened to me and quieted down. "Lady Momo, don't take her words so seriously, she's in rough shape right now. Why don't you try and located Captain Valentina and Sir Tokoyami? I can handle her."

"Oh... okay. Yes, I'll do that then," Momo spoke quietly and nodded her head before heading off in the direction Valentina and Sir Tokoyami left in. I knew she just wanted to be there for her best friend, but (Y/n) had been through a lot that Momo would never be able to understand. Of course, Momo had had her fair share of trauma with the situation, but she would never be able to understand the pain and torment (Y/n) was experiencing right now. 

"A doctor will be here soon, just hold on a bit longer. Say anything you need to to me, but don't take it out on the others-- I can take it, but they might not understand that your problem is not with them. Let it all out, distract yourself, do whatever you need to do to hang on until the doctor arrives," I spoke in a hushed tone to (Y/n), running my fingers through her tangled hair.

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