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The subject of the next book in this series is our dairy farm—our first own farm. The one that demanded a year of searching as we impatiently marked time, back in city jobs once again. Every weekend found us checking farms in every direction, chafing at the bit, unable to find 'the one'. The possibilities all seemed to fall into the 'too' categories – too expensive, or small or large, or droughtish or floodish, or just yuk. It seemed nothing could satisfy our hearts… and our pockets.

Much later we would laugh when we revisited one potential hills farm that we luckily rejected – it now had its new name on the farm gate—'Poverty Point'. Hmm…

As in this first book, my second book, 'It's No Use Crying Over Spilled Milk', deals with our adventures of the milky kind. All manner of farm stories abound, and again they range through hilarious to heartbreaking, precious to pathetic, and all feelings in between—this time all about dairying.

We humans share a famous galaxy called the Milky Way, that appears as one glittering mass to the naked eye, but in truth is made up of countless parts of the whole. Likewise the feelings and happenings of a decade of dairying in our world of the 1970's and 80's—a way of Life that can never be repeated.

This title has such great appeal to me, being SO appropriate to so many of our situations—I'm certain you will agree when you read chapters with names like—

City Visitors - a word of advice (hilarious, tongue-in-cheek warnings)
The Mean Machine (a thoughtful look at vast personal changes from city to country)
To All the 'Girls' We've Loved Before (our dairy herd… our 'girls')
You can Lead a Calf to Milk, but… (tales about the younger 4-legged generation)
The Gypsy in our Souls (get the tissues ready)
Rhymes with City (this time you'll cry with laughter)

… plus many, more of our most memorable moments.

Again, I hope you enjoy reading these tales as much as I enjoyed remembering and recording them.


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