Chapter Twenty Five - Slept In

Start from the beginning

"Something happened with you yesterday. And we did something as well, but we need both you and Ranboo for both things. We'll talk about that after your lunch."

"Wait my lunch?" I look around at everyone. They all nod. "We already ate, love." Philza pats my shoulder. I roll my eyes at the idiots and begin to cut into my eggs.

After about 3 minutes of me eating and the SBI talking about the most random things, like what it would be like to abduct orphans and give them back to their parents, I finally remembered something.

"Wait, where is Ranboo?? Is he okay??"

Philza whips his head towards Techno, as if waiting for an answer. I do the same. He looks between us and begins the rub the bridge of his nose. "I was hoping to wait until we can talk about what happened yesterday."

"I know what happened yesterday, Techno, I don't have a memory problem. What happened to Ranboo?" I demand. He looks up at Phil and raises his eyebrows. I look towards Phil and he nods. Techno lets out a sharp sigh. "Get up. Come with me."

He leads me upstairs into his room. When I make it up there behind him, I see Ranboo still curled up in a ball on Techno's bed. He's still shivering. The sight makes my heart squeeze and ache. His skin is back to normal, so that's a good sign.

I scurry over to him and fall on my knees. Worry overwhelms me as I gently put my hands on his arm. I move to his head where I move his white hair out of his face behind his ear. I stroke his cold cheek with my thumb. He's freezing to the touch, but he's sweating beads.

I look up at Technoblade with concern filled eyes. He just looks at me with equal concern. I look back at the boy in front of me. I've never seen him seem so inferior to the rest of the world. He's shut down and trembling. I want to help him so bad, I just don't know how.

I lean forward and kiss his chilled cheek, lightly rubbing his arm. "Hey, love. It's me. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I whisper. Almost immediately I see him calm down a bit from the trembling at the sound of my voice. "Ranboo.. please be ok..." My voice breaks as tears brim my eyes.

As if Wattpad timing was an actual thing, he turns over and stretches out slightly. His eyes flutter open and he looks up at me. His gaze is filled with confusion and relief all at the same time. "[Y-y/n]?" He manages. I smile and a tear falls down my cheek.

"Hey! Hey, I'm here. I'm here. You're ok." I'm filled with joy and giddiness that he's awake.

"[Y/n]... what happened? How long have I been asleep for?" His morning voice makes him sound 3 octaves deeper than his normal voice.

"You've been asleep for one day. You haven't missed much. And about what happened..? Philza was going to talk to me about something and I'm pretty sure it's that." I assure him in the most calm way I can muster.

He nods his head in understanding. "I'm so.. so cold... and thirsty..." his needy voice cracks and worry rises in me. I breathe out. "Ok, honey. I'll get you some water. Just try and sit up. Breathe slowly. Techno will help you, right Technoblade?" I look towards him for an answer. He nods sternly.

I look back down at the half enderman in front of me, kiss his forehead and head down the ladder to get some water. After filling the glass, I head back upstairs to see Techno removing a pot from his small fireplace. He takes a rag and dips it into the pot. He wrings the rag out and stands up. He slowly walks over to me and hands me the rag.

I look at it and then back at his eyes. "Careful, it's hot." He says. I take the rag knowing what he meant. I turn around and sit on the edge of the bed, put the glass down on the floor, and gently place the rag on Ranboo's sweating forehead. He winces slightly, making me think I'm hurting him, but then I see him relax.

"Ranboo hun, you gotta sit up a bit for me, ok? You need water.." I say as sweetly as I can. I pick up the glass and see him gradually leaning up. I cusp his chin and place the cup on his chapped lips. I lean it up and he sips the water. My mind suddenly takes me to a place very familiar.


"You need to sleep. I'll go make you some tea to help calm your nerves." I say, unwrapping her arms from around me. I help her lie down. Her eyes are puffy from sobbing. My heart breaks. I stand up to walk out to my kitchenette. I boil some water and put a tea bag in a mug. I pour to water in the mug and let it steep for a minute.

Carefully picking up the cup, I carry it to [Y/n]'s room and sit on the edge of her bed again.

"Sit up" I softly say. Putting the mug down on the nightstand and help her sit up. I grab the mug and place the edge of of the cup at her lips. I tip the mug she sips the tea.

Every now and again she stops to take in the smell of the tea. She seems more relaxed and calm now, she isn't crying anymore.

Once she finishes, she rubs her eyes sleepily. I help her lay back down and pull the blanket over her shoulder. I rub her head once and say goodnight.

"Sweet dreams, [Y/n]. You're in a safe place. Trust me."

~Flashback over ~

A smile subconsciously forms on my lips as I recall the sweet memory of this very boy calming me down after a nightmare that was only there to distract me from the truth of the matter to begin with. This boy not only saved my life and took me, a stranger, in willingly, but he took care of me and now he...

He loves me. It's time for me to return the favor. I turn back at Techno. "Ranboo needs his rest for now. He can wait to hear what you and Phil have to tell us." He nods in response and leaves the room. He stomps down the ladder. That man is like a bull in a China shop. I turn my attention back at Ranboo.

"You gonna be ok?" I ask him.

"I- I think so. I just need some more sleep." He manages. I look down in worry. "It's not good to sleep with a concussion, Love."

"It's different for me. For some reason, sleep helps me when I get a concussion." He rambles, leaving me dumbfounded.

"How?!" I try to wrap my brain around the concept. I've never known any case that where sleep helps a concussion.

"I'm not sure. But I have a hunch that it might have to do with my other half." He explains his theory and continues to get comfortable under the covers.

"Interesting... alright well please rest well. I'll catch you up on everything when you feel a bit better." I kiss his cheek and his nose. He responds with a weak smile that tugs on my heart. I leave the room not long after I glance at him a few moments more, making sure he's okay.

I get to the main room of the house and see everyone sitting around the table with mugs of tea and coffee. Philza makes eye contact with me and gestures to the seat next to him, an empty chair. I sit down with suspicion. "You're favorite, (f/t). Now [Y/n], we did something for you while you slept." Phil explains.

I take a sip of tea, the smell of the steam rising up and sweet taste of the hot liquid filling my senses with joy. I look at him with eagerness. "... which is?"

They all look at each other and then back at me. Philza begins, "We built the rest of your house."

To Be Continued...
Guess who's back... back again!

Hi! I'm back! It took a long time to write this. This is kind of a filler chapter , it's just nice to have a little bit of flavor in the story, y'know?

Believe it or not, school starts in a week. I know. Crazy right? It's already school time and I'm gonna be a junior... *sniff* that means a LOT of work...

🥲🥲🥲 oh Lord have mercy on my soul....

Welp wish me luck! Have a lovely day/night wherever you are!


Drowning Under 8'5 | Ranboo x Fem. Reader (not my art)Where stories live. Discover now