"Ya, but what does that have anything to do with killing you." James said.

Lyla looked at him with a deadpan expression on her face.

James looked at her and soon realization hit him.

"Ohhh, Merlin it went that bad."

"Yes. I had to lock myself in the bathroom."

Sirius laughed but soon shut up when he received a glare from Lyla.

"Also Prongs that reminds me, you owe me twenty galleons." Lyla said while sticking her hand out.

Before James could tell her that he'll give her the money after class, Lyla started talking again.

"Plus another twenty due to my near death experience."

James opened his mouth to protest but Lyla continued.

"Also add another ten since I have to pay Lily half."

James groaned and said,

"Fine is that it."

"Yup that it's."

"See you idiots later." Lyla said while walking away.

Remus, James, and Sirius watched her walk away. Meanwhile Peter had a sudden realization.

"Wait a damn minute, she knows we're in the same class.. right?"

"Honestly Peter, I never know what that girl knows and doesn't know." Remus said.

And boy did Remus Lupin hate that.


Minerva Mcgonagall was known as a woman of many talents.

Some people, mainly professors always admired how she was always able to deal with what they called "those kids shenanigans".

The truth was, she never did quite deal with it.

The older woman usually turned a blind eye. Cause in all honesty she never was surprised at the sights she found. She was never surprised if she caught James Potter hanging off of Sirius Black's legs while he was hanging on to the moving staircase. Or if she saw Lyla Vance and Sirius Black laughing at the fact that there was a deer stuck in a doorway.

So when she saw Lyla Vance and Marlene McKinnon sprint out of the Library laughing, while a very angry Lily Evans was chasing them, she simply sighed and walked the other direction while muttering "these kids will be the death of me."




Lyla and Marlene simply laughed as they turned the corner still clutching Lily's textbooks.

Marlene and Lyla found a broom closet in which they could hide in, so as soon as Marlene opened the door both girls quickly went inside and shut the door.

"Merlin. This is the second time today this girl has threatened to kill me, and forced me to hide in another room." Lyla said still panting.

"Hey, I don't blame you for hiding. That ginger is fucking terrifying." Marlene said while sitting down.

"Do you think she'll find us here?" Lyla asked, as she sat down next to Marlene.

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒; remus lupin¹Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora