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"Hyung, you're late again"

Niki is abit surprise because the older doesn't bother to explain why he's late unlike the other day. Also, the Japanese boy notice the awkwardness between Jay and Jungwon more than before, thinking why would they suddenly act like this "Is there anything wrong?"

Jungwon just shook his head while Jay sit silently with his straight face. Niki raise his brows at them because he's totally confused but either way, he dont want to ask them further more. "I'm hungry, let's order something, dont drown my happy mood!"

Niki smile widely, trying to cheer up his two friends as he wave his hand to the waiter who took their orders immediately. Jungwon just stared at the wide window beside him, asking himself why would he care about the relationship of his boss and Trissa "Not even my business-"

"Huh?" Niki look at Jungwon in confusion, Jay also glance at his Secretary because he talks it out loud so suddenly "Ah haha N-Nothing" He refused to tell them but Niki is so done "You know, I know....you two act different today, you both fighting or catching the romantic feelings for each other?"


"No, like NO!"

Jungwon and Jay shared the same shocking expression, panicking and quickly avoid each others stares. Niki rolls his eyes at the confused boys and stand up from his chairs "I'm gonna use the washroom for a moment, you two better talks it out or I'm gonna eat all this meals by myself"


The Japanese boy already disappear between the walls as Jungwon just want to sink on his chair and vanish as well but his boss makes it hard for him. Niki quietly sneak around the restaurant as he gives a quick glance on his wristwatch "I should go back at after 5 minutes....Or more?"

Niki shook his head and smile to himself "Huiizz my hyungs are so idiot!" He tsk and walk near the washroom, trying to check his looks on the mirror but bump into someone before he steps inside the room

"Sorry!" Niki quickly apologise when the girl glares at him for a moment and he finds the girl so familiar...Is this the girl I saw on Jay hyung's company ? Clothes are same- Niki just stared at her, the girl suddenly smiles cheekily and walk closer abit "Am I too pretty that you can't even stop looking at me?"

Niki hung his mouth and want to roll his eyes at the girl but he want to play with her ego "Yeah, you're pretty!" The girl slowly put her fingers on Niki's shoulders and let them dance abit with a smirk "You're really handsome and hot, what's your name cutie?"


Niki smile and press his pointy finger on her cheek, slowly poking down "I can't tell you my name!" She pouts abit and look at the Japanese boy with sad eyes "Why? I thought you said I'm pretty-"

"Yeah, but you're not as pretty as my Sunoo!"

"Who's Sunoo? Your girlfriend?" The girl slowly pull down her fingers on the side and stared at Niki with confuse. The Japanese boy laughs while shooking his head and walk pass the girl

"Sunoo is my boyfriend and he's the prettiest boy in the universe. Sorry, a girl like you can't win against him with that looks"

Niki smiles cheekily and waves his fingers at the girl before putting them back on his pockets while walking inside the washroom. The girl huffs and instead heading to where she's trying to go at the first place.


"Stop c-calling me that-"

"Why?" Jungwon stays silent as the older keep on staring him from the side. Jay sigh and he can't help but to question about something "Is it because of Trissa that you suddenly avoid me today?"

"Wait what- Haha No, why would I avoid you because of Trissa? It's not even my problem anyway-" Jay knit his eyebrows and stared the younger more deeper than before "You make it more obvious-"

"Huh! What did I made to look more obvious? Anyway, it's not even my place to interrupted on your relationship with Trissa at the first place-"

"What relationship are you talking about?" Jay is getting out of his patient abit by bit while he really want to understand what the younger is trying to say "Trissa already told me that you two are going to marry in the future and your parents already approved your wedding as well-"

Jay stared at Jungwon with wide eyes and just blinked at the thought of his parents approving his wedding with Trissa, they hate her, why on earth would they did that without telling him? Meanwhile, Jungwon keep on telling what Trissa had hold him and why it isn't any of his business

"...-and even though she said like I should stay away from you and not to block her ways, why would I care about that? We're just friends-"


"What?" Jungwon stay silent and watch the older with questioning face while he can't help but to blush when his boss suddenly lean over to him with serious expression...damn- I can feel his hot breathe-

"You like me don't you?"

Jungwon widen his eyes and when he tries to refuse it, he can't speak or spill anymore words from his mouth that is just agape. Jay lean back on his chair and stared at the younger with a smirk without saying anything

"Wh-why are you looking at me like that? Look that way!" Jungwon points the other direction and try to look angry towards his boss but Jay just chuckle at his secretary while putting his hand on his chest dramatically..

"Yah, you don't have to be so cute Wonniebear~ I almost die from heart attack-"

Jungwon look at his boss dramatical actions while Jay laughs at the younger's reactions and finds them cute even more

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Jungwon look at his boss dramatical actions while Jay laughs at the younger's reactions and finds them cute even more. Jay again slowly ruffle the younger's hair and smile softly towards him, Jungwon widen his eyes and just sit still, not knowing what to say "B-Boss.."

"Don't worry about Trissa, she's not even my fiancé and I'm not going to marry her in the future, it won't happen. I already love someone in the first place"

Jungwon slowly nod his head, looking away from Jay and his heart ache abit when his boss tell them he loves someone already, right they're just friends anyway-
Jay suddenly hold the younger's hand and smiles at Jungwon who's shocking like hell-

"I want to go on a trip with you to Seattle and meets my family!"

"R-really? But why-" Jungwon is about to ask something to the older but Trissa suddenly show up and sit on Niki's seat which is next to Jay. "Trissa? What-"
Niki also came back from the washroom and get back to his friends but shock at seeing the same girl that flirts with him

"Why on earth this girl is doing here?"

"Jay Oppa is my boyfriend!"

"I-...you know what...Jay hyung is gay!"


It's 9:55 pm now

Yeah, Soobin the bread lover and a meme seller's meme is very useful...thanks bish! 😆


Company [JAYWON]✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang