An Unexpected Visitor

Beginne am Anfang

"I can't erase this guilt..." Boyfriend thought. He watched as Girlfriend reached for the doorknob. "It's not a dream?" He asked himself in disbelief. "If it's not a dream, then..." His eyes wandered towards the clock. It was 9:00. He jumped up from his chair. "I'm late?!" He exclaimed. "Girlfriend!" He yelled. Girlfriend turned around. Boyfriend ran up to her and grabbed her hand. "Can you fly?!" He asked. Girlfriend's saddened expression left her face, and was replaced with a large smile, her eyes lighting up.

Before he knew it, Boyfriend was in the sky, riding on Girlfriend, (Who was now in her full demon form)'s back. This was faster than any roller coaster he had ever been on, and more terrifying. When he calmed down a bit, he looked up and thought for a while.

"I guess I could hire her." He said out loud.

"Really?!" Asked Girlfriend.

"Maybe it won't be so bad to have someone around from now on." He thought. "Thinking that way-- ACK! THIS IS MURDERING MY LOWER BACK!!!"

That Night

"First, let's see what you consider proper form for a maid." Boyfriend said.

"Very well!" Girlfriend exclaimed. She got out a sign and handed Boyfriend a flyer.

"What is this?" He said, taking it from her.

"I saw a lot of girls in maid outfits handing out flyers on my way here!" Girlfriend exclaimed.

"Looks like I'll have to teach you from scratch." Boyfriend said, smacking his forehead. "First, as a housemaid, you clean." He said.

"I'm good at cleaning!" Girlfriend said. She then opened her mouth, a large fireball came out of it, and she blasted Boyfriend's living room. It was sparkling, but all of his things had been obliterated. "How's that?" She asked.

"What are you doing destroying it?!" Boyfriend exclaimed.

"Now, I can just bring it back." Girlfriend said, while casually summoning back everything she had destroyed.

"You can bring it back?!" Boyfriend asked in shock. He sighed. "Next, laundry maid. You do laundry." He said.

"I can handle that, too!" Girlfriend said. She started chewing on one of Boyfriend's dirty shirts. "I can produce saliva that only removes stains." She said, mouth still full.

"That's filthy! Be mindful of appearances!" Boyfriend snapped. "Next, Parlor maid. You entertain guests." He said.

"Leave it to me!" Girlfriend said. A delivery man showed up at the door.

"Delivery! Please, sign here." He said. Girlfriend stood over him and gave him a dark look.

"We have nothing for foolish, inferior humans like you!" She hissed at him.

"Hey!" Boyfriend exclaimed.

"Oh, you're an exception of course, Boyfriend!" Girlfriend said, the scary look on her face now gone.

"Last one, kitchen maid. You cook." Boyfriend said.

"I'm the best at that!" Girlfriend said.

Boyfriend stared disgustedly at the cooked and seasoned end of Girlfriend's tail.

"Here's my roasted tail!" She said.

"I'm not eating this." Boyfriend said.

"Should I have roasted it longer?" Girlfriend asked.

"That's not the problem." Boyfriend replied.

"I'm confident you'll enjoy it, Boyfriend!" Cheered on Girlfriend.

"It doesn't work ethically or physiologically." Boyfriend said.

"Oh, I see. So you're a picky eater, then?" Girlfriend asked.

"You're biased." Boyfriend muttered.

"Jeez, you're hopeless." Girlfriend said, having no other choice than to eat her tail herself. When she was done, a new tail came out of her dress.

"It grew back?!" Boyfriend exclaimed.

"It took quite some time to remove the poison, you know." Girlfriend said with a hint of irritation on her face.

"IT'S POISONOUS?!" Boyfriend repeated. "*Sigh,* You don't really know the basics of being a maid, do you?" He asked.

"I'll learn from the ground up!" Girlfriend said, determinedly. "First, please tell me what you dislike!"

"What I dislike?" Boyfriend asked. "I'm no good with hijiki or eggplant..." He said.

"I see. I'll remember that." Girlfriend said. "By the way, I dislike eggs without yolks myself. My friend was hit with one and killed." She added.

"That's surreal. Wait, why are you asking me about my dislikes?" Boyfriend asked. "Wouldn't you usually ask what I like?"

"Oh, I can't do that. Many of my friends were actually slain using the things they like; Like liquor, women, gems and such." Girlfriend explained.

"Not much different from humans." Boyfriend said.

"But, I'll let you know this one..." Girlfriend began. She clenched her fists and got in Boyfriend's face. "I like YOU, Boyfriend!" She exclaimed.

"Are you planning to eat me?" Boyfriend asked.

"I don't mean that way! I mean romantically!" Girlfriend said. "You saved me, Boyfriend! So, I'll use my entire being to repay the favor!"

"In that case, you could hold down the fort while I'm at work." Boyfriend said.

"Hold down the fort?" Girlfriend repeated.

"You're one of the stronger demons, right?" Boyfriend asked.

"Strong enough to bring about Armageddon." Girlfriend answered.

"Then, it would be a relief to know you're here keeping the house safe." Boyfriend said.

"Understood! Leave it to me!" Girlfriend exclaimed.

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