💚Breathe With Me • [Sins and Self Care!]💚

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For people who are learning healthier ways to cope with stress,

Satan notices you are particularly upset one day, and helps you calm down.


It has been a long, tiring, and upsetting day.

The burning frustration coursing through your veins lead you stomping to your room, the one place in the house you could attempt to relax.

You were completely ready to throw yourself into bed and scream into your pillow, but upon opening your door, you were met with Satan and his perpetually messy hair.

"Oh, hello there," he greeted, sitting in your bed with crossed legs. He immediately took note of your reddish face and softly trembling hands.

"Please, get out," you asked as kindly as you could through gritted teeth. There were about 3 seconds of patience left in you.

3. The demon seemed taken aback, though he wasn't one to disrespect your wishes. "Alright. I've only to return a book you leant, and perhaps find a way to repay you."

2. You felt guilt at forcing him away, but you're too close to snapping to have anyone around right now. "We. Can talk about it. Later."

1. "I'll be off then..." He at last turned to leave, but gave a worried look just before heading out. "...But, are you alright?"

0. "Ugh, NO!!" Your blood feels like fire under your skin and your first impulse is to take your anger out on either your surroundings or yourself.

"Clench your fists and tense every muscle in your body," He quickly ordered. "Jaw too." Satan recognized frustration when he saw it, and the last thing he wanted was for you to cause damage you would later regret.

"What?!" You thought that was a stupid idea. But it seemed better than having a pitiful breakdown in front of him. Your nails digged into your palms and your teeth scraped together. You constricted your limbs and tightly curled your arms around yourself.

The adrenaline in you would be enough to shake the dead to life, though the tension of your muscles surprisingly helped relieve some of the frustration.

After a few seconds of unbridled rage, your limbs went mellow and you would've dropped to the floor if not for a pair of arms firmly wrapping around you.

The anger piercing your brain slowly subsided and faded into sadness accompanied by a low throbbing headache.

You limply layed against Satan, who gently lead you to bed as your breaths shook.

"Breathe with me, ok?" His soothing voice spoke. He took a long drawn out breath and you mimicked it. "1... 2... 3... 4... hold it a little... and exhale."

You tried repeating the breaths, your anxiousness leading way to tears. The nails of your fingers bit into your arms as you tried to hold yourself together. You willed yourself to speak, your voice trembling. "I'm sorry."

Satan's steady hands pressed against your back as he held you closer. "Anger is a secondary emotion," he calmly explained. "There's always an underlying reason. For example, Sadness, or being overwhelmed... it's not your fault."

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