As time went on, my roommate and I got closer. Minju was easy to get along with. She'd been the person I sought comfort from when I felt lonely, away from my girlfriend. I'd text Ryujin everyday to see how she was doing, and she'd do the same for me. But, after a while, it felt like our spark...disappeared. We both had busy schedules, and it was making us grow very distant at times. During holidays and breaks, we'd spend time together, but it wasn't the same as before. It felt like we were always trying to catch up with one another rather than spending the time as a couple. By the end of our sophomore year in college, we both mutually agreed to take a break from our relationship. We both loved each other, but it wasn't in the romantic sense anymore. At some point, the two of us stopped prioritizing our relationship, focusing more so on our careers and future. Ryujin and I were both moving on, as friends.


Time Skip 5 Years Later

Ryujin POV
I had worked incredibly hard during my time at Julliard, pushing to make my dreams come true. Admittedly, I was sad when Yeji and I broke off our relationship, but we both agreed it was only right, considering how our lives were too busy to even keep up with one another. Maybe this trade off was worth it, though. I was able to debut as a soloist while studying at the conservatory due to earning recognition for being one of Julliard's rising leaders. I guess you could say I was lucky; very few people make it this far to become soloists.

After graduating, I quickly gained popularity through my outstanding reputation from high school and college. I was finally able to earn a sustainable living, touring and performing with different orchestras around the world.

Years of hard work had finally paid off, and I could now afford anything I needed, or even anything I wanted. After all, most world class soloists make a fortune. Before then, I never had the money to watch live performances or go to concerts. As a reward for myself, I purchased a ticket to watch the New York Philharmonic's 180th anniversary concert, in which they would play my favorite violin concerto: Sibelius.

Maybe I did have a gut feeling that a certain someone would be performing as the soloist. Fate would have brought us together, one way or another.

I glanced up at the stage, sitting in the middle section of the auditorium. The dimly lit and fully packed room made it too hard for the soloist to spot any one individual. On the contrary, the bright, radiant stage made it all too easy for me to recognize the stunning individual before me. I knew those eyes the moment they turned to the audience. That perfect posture and elegant figure. Hwang Yeji had grown even more beautiful since the last time I saw her, if that were even possible.

She stood tall, playing the concerto like a true virtuoso violinist. Her sound had matured, and her playing had become all too perfect. Not even a hint of nervousness was displayed.

Before I realized it, a tear had escaped from my eye. I was so, so happy for her. More than that, I was proud. Proud of her and proud to have known someone so amazing, talented, hardworking, all around perfect...perfect to me. She deserved the world, and she earned it. The biggest smile came over my face knowing...We both made it.


Yeji POV
A loud applause erupted after my bow flew from the string, ending the piece.

I turned to the audience to see a standing ovation. The clapping and chittering of the audience confirmed my successful debut. The lights of the auditorium came back on, illuminating the faces of the cheerful, satisfied crowd. I scanned the audience, taking in their pleased expressions and feeling proud of myself. As my head turned, my eyes landed on an all too familiar figure. Ryujin.

She flashed her gorgeous whisker-dimpled smile at me, while I stood, both shocked and elated to see her. The world class cellist, Shin Ryujin, watching me, an up and coming soloist, perform. Took you long enough to come see me, dummy. I smiled, feeling my heart jump excitedly from seeing her.

I took a bow and shook hands with the conductor and concertmaster before walking off stage. I was feeling euphoric, overwhelmed by the positive outcome of my performance. But, what I wanted most at the moment was to catch up with my ex-lover, or rather, my best friend. I bid my farewell to the orchestra and conductor, heading off to grab my things and leave.

"Wait, don't go." I texted Ryujin, having never deleted her number despite falling out of contact due to our busy schedules.

"Not going anywhere, silly. I'm by the front door." She responded almost instantly.

My smile grew wider from reading the text. "I'll meet you there, then :)"

Third Person POV
The pair decided to drive to a restaurant together, both agreeing they needed to catch up. The violinist drove them to her favorite spot, wanting to treat herself and the person she missed the most. The cellist, on the other hand, sat in the passenger seat, observing the taller girl as they arrived to the location.

She gazed at the cat-eyes, admiring them just as she had first done over a decade ago. She wondered how their lives, futures may have turned out different had the both of them gone to the same music school. Would they have still been a couple? Could they have spent the rest of their lives together? These were the questions that lingered in her mind as she marveled at her beautiful past lover.

"You done staring?" The violinist teased.

"I guess some things never change," the cellist responded, smiling back.

"Come on, we have a lot of catching up to do."

Both musicians exited the car and walked to the restaurant's entrance.

"After you." The cellist motioned her hand, allowing the cat-eyed girl to enter the restaurant first like a true gentlewoman.

The same question pondered in both of the ex-lovers' minds as they sat facing one another. Could the pair fall back into a relationship, the way they were before they had gone their separate ways? Only time could tell.


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