Chapter 28

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"Why don't the two of us go out for the day?" Carlos sat up in bed, resting against the wall as the wind was softly breezing through the thin curtains. "I mean, it's not like the rest is going to be much fun today, they are going to be packing all day." Pierre, Julie and Anthoine would be leaving early in the afternoon, leaving Carlos and Sara all by themselves in the cabin.

"What would you'd like to see us doing?" Carlos chuckled.

"You have no imagination." Sara rolled her eyes. "But have you ever heard of the many sunken boats on Sangat Island? I did some research on things we could possibly do when I ran into them. You can dive and snorkel but I think it will have to be the latter because I don't know if we can dive." Sara shook her head.

"I'm not diving without proper lessons."

"That's what I thought. But we can snorkel as well. Most of the boats are from the second world war but are now the home of fish and such." Sara nodded.

"That sounds great." Carlos ran his hand through her hair as he smiled at her. "What?" Carlos shrugged and got up out of bed. He took his swim shorts and a shirt and walked into the bathroom. The shower started running and Sara turned around onto her stomach. She didn't want to get out of bed yet.

"Sara?" There was a knock on the door and the door slowly opened.

"Anthoine," Sara replied, not moving a muscle and keeping her head buried in her pillow.

"Where's Carlos?"

"Shower." Anthoine shook his head.

"I know you are not going to like this but hear me out. Jules-"

"No, you are right: I am not going to like this and I am not going to listen Anthoine. I love you but I'm not going to apologize to her. Period. Juliette was the one who left us, not the other way around." Anthoine sighed.

"Okay." Sara looked up at him.

"I'm not going to end our vacation on this note Thoine." She whispered. "The last one to be in the water is an idiot." Sara sprinted out of bed, out of the cabin and down to the water. The one advantage Sara had of keeping in shape, even after her injuries and retirement from badminton was that Anthoine was having a hard time catching up with her. Eventually, Sara was the first in the water and hugged Anthoine tight.

"What's up Sara." He chuckled.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Now get your arse back inside and get ready for a day with Carlos for you and for me a trip back home before we head to Greece in two days with Julie's family." Sara nodded and together, they walked back to the cabin, dripping with water.

"I am so happy you will get to clean this up yourself seeing we are going to leave in three hours," Pierre whined as he watched Anthoine and Sara.

"You are such as asshole." Sara hit Pierre who in response did nothing but laugh.

"I'm going to get changed," Sara said to Carlos. "Then we can leave." She quickly ran to the bedroom, got changed and took a brush through her hair. She looked in the mirror and smiled. Knowing they were going to snorkel, she didn't bother to put on any make-up. It was going to run all over her face.

"Ready?" Carlos looked up from his phone.

"I am. Just say a quick bye to the rest and then I'm good to go. I have sunscreen like we are going away for a week and a couple of water bottles, so we should be fine." She kissed Carlos' cheek and walked back to the bedrooms where she first walked into Pierre's room.

"Hey, you are going?" Sara nodded. "I'm going to miss having you around every day."

"So am I Pierre but I'll be there in Belgium. After all, I need to finish this bloody photo album for Anthoine's birthday." They laughed and gave each other a tight hug. "Text me when you get home?"

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