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In the morning around 8 am we woke up. I woke up to Charlie kissing my forehead. "Morning love." He says as I open my eyes. "Morning." I say sitting up. "Should I stay for breakfast or go home?" He says and before I could answer my mom barges into my room. "Stay for breakfast hunny. You could stay another night if you'd like. Just let your mother know." I laugh at my mom's response. "Sure thing." Charlie responds and winks at me. I just roll my eyes playfully and I lay back down. "C'mon get up love." Charlie says, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I rub my eyes. "Let me sleep, Captain Duck." I say half asleep. He pulls me into a kiss and he holds my face. I woke up completely from the contact. I always got butterflies in my stomach when we kissed. He pulled out after a couple seconds. I smiled at him. "You should get dressed." Charlie says to me, helping me up. "Okay, fine." I say getting up and stretching. I picked out jeans and my mighty ducks jersey. "I wish I had one of those green mighty ducks jerseys." I say to Charlie. He just smirks. "What?" I said to him, "I brought like 3 pairs of extra clothes. You know, in case. And I brought this." He says pulling out his green mighty ducks jersey. I smile at him. "Can I wear it please?" I say to him, reaching my hands out. "Oh of course my love." He says playfully. I laugh and take it from his hands. I grab a white tank top and white converse and I head to the bathroom. Once I walk out I make sure my tank top is tucked in. I walk into my room and Charlies lay on my bed. I quietly suck my door and walk over to him and sit down. I brush his hair out of his face and let him be. I get up and walk over to my desk to brush my hair and put on my makeup. When I was done getting ready I tried waking up Charlie. "My love! Wake up! Breakfast is ready!" I pull him up and kiss him. He immediately woke up and held my face. I guess I know how to wake up Charlie now. I helped him up. "Let me get changed. But could you wait for me?" Charlie says, rubbing his eyes. I nod and sit down on my bed while he gets up. I look at my pictures and I grab one. I look at it and look back up at Charlie. When I look back up I was speechless. Charlie Conway was shirtless in my room. I could feel my body getting hot. For being 13 almost 14 he had a hot body. I breathed out and looked away. I set down the picture and right when I turned my face back to face Charlie he leaned over me. I could feel my cheeks turning red and butterflies entering my stomach. He was still shirtless while leaning over me. He kissed me once more and he put his shirt on. "Let's go eat." He says while helping me stand up. I smile at him and hug him before we go. I led him out of my room and we sat down next to each other. My mom made pancakes for breakfast, she served us and we started eating. "Charlie, could we ask you a couple more questions?" My mom asks. I just look at him and hold his hand. "Sure, go ahead." He says smiling. I smiled at him and I started taking a drink of my orange juice. "Charlie, would you marry our daughter Violet when you're older?" My dad asks. I choke on my orange juice and look at my parents. I just cover my mouth and look at Charlie. He puts his hand on my thigh. I think we were all uncomfortable. "Uhm, I would if Violet would say yes." He says and then continues eating. I just started eating again too. "What high school are you planning to go to, Charlie?" My dad asks. "I want to go to the same school as Violet. So we don't really know yet." He smiles. "I guess that's all the questions we have for now." My mom says. We all finish eating and me and Charlie go up to my room. "Wanna go meet up with the Ducks and play some hockey?" Charlie asks, obviously bored. "How about we go to the pool. I mean it is summer." I smile. "Great Idea. I think I packed my swimming trunks." He says and he reaches for his backpack. "I guess we should call the ducks." He suggests. "Yeah for sure. Here I'll get changed in here and you get changed in the bathroom. I'll hang up your jersey so it doesn't get ruined." I responded. "I love that you care so much." He smiles and hugs me. I smile and he leaves to go to the bathroom. I get on my swimsuit and right as I pick out shorts and a top to wear over, Charlie walks in. "Wow, Vi you look gorgeous." He says while looking at me. "Thank you." I say as I turn around to face him. "Blue is definitely your color." He says smiling. I smile back at him and blush. God I was starting to feel love for Charlie. But I knew that we were only gonna be 14 but I fell hard for Charlie Conway. I put on some shorts so we can walk to the pool. We pick up the rest of the ducks and make our way to the pool. On our way these 2 boys our age walk up to me, Charlie and Adam. "Hey who's the hottie?" One of the boys asked. "She's my girlfriend Larson. And her name is Violet, not hottie." Charlie says as I hold him back. "How could you get such a hot girlfriend Conway?" The other boy asks. "You're really getting on my nerves. I'm with Charlie because he likes me for who I am, and not for what I look like." I hold myself back while saying. "Oh the babe has a mouth." He says touching my chin. I slap his hand away. "Don't touch me." I scoff. I keep trying to hold Charlie back. We start walking again and we get to the pool. "Hey Adam?" I ask. "Yeah?" "Do you know who those guys were? You know the ones that were hitting on me?" "Those are hawk players. I used to be a hawk. So they tourture the ducks for beating them in the pee-wee championship. The first guy was Larson, the next Mcgill. They are jerks just ignore them." He answers. I nod and walk over to Charlie. "Hey are you alright? I'm sorry about those jerks." I told him. He comes from behind me and hugs me from behind. "It's alright. I just need my amazing girlfriend by my side." He smiles and kisses my cheek. "C'mon let's have some fun and go swimming. After all it's summer." I smile. I slowly get in the pool. Charlie jumps right in. Charlie was always a daredevil. I suddenly feel someone pick me up. I look behind me and It's Charlie. I just laughed and continued swimming once he put me down. After a while of swimming I sat on my towel and just watched Charlie swim. Then a group of girls came up to me. "Hey, do you know that guy?" One of the girls says pointing to Charlie. "Yeah, he's my boyfriend." I say smiling at them and then turning my attention to Charlie. I hear one of the girls mumble loudly "He would break up with you for me." I scoff and stand up. "It's really funny that you think you're so pretty." I look her up and down. She backs away and leaves with her friend. I decided to get back in the water. I get back in and start swimming. I swim over to Charlie and Adam talking. "Hey guys." I say hugging Charlie. "Hey my love. Did you make a new friend? I saw you talking to those girls." He asks, smiling. "Not my friends. They were only asking about you. Or more so wanting to date you." I say, annoyed. Charlie looks over at the girls and then back at me. He hugs me from behind and whispers in my ear "They are nothing compared to you." Once he said that I immediately turned red. God I might just fall in love with this boy. After an hour of swimming we all headed back home. All the ducks split up to go home. Me and Charlie held hands on our way back to my house. It was around lunch time now. Once me and Charlie got back to my house we took showers and got back into normal clothes. I just put on shorts and a t-shirt since I wanted to wear Charlie's jersey another day. Once I got ready I walked down to the table where Charlie was already sitting. We had sandwiches for lunch. After we ate we went up to my room and talked all night. Charlie mostly talked about Hockey. I could tell it meant a lot to him. We went to bed that night cuddling. I felt like he never wanted to let me go. The way he pulled me in to be with him showed he loved me. Even though he never said he loves me, I felt it. The next morning me and Charlie went to Han's hockey shop. Charlie and I worked there during the summer.

my loverboy part 2~charlie conway Where stories live. Discover now