If I Had a Taser, You'd Be On the Ground Spasming Right Now. (5)

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  • Dedicated to Johnny Depp- Because you do not take the cake. Apparently, you ARE the cake. :D

"I'm gone for two days, two fu--"

"Freaking," I corrected automatically.

"Two freaking days and he couldn't keep his hands to himself!" She wailed. I sighed and handed her another Kleenex. She blew noisily.

She was sitting on the counter in the girls' bathroom. A freshman came in, her eyes wide, and Aimee shooed her out. Autumn stood next to her, looking like she really didn't know what to do exactly. I left Gwen's side for a moment and went to her.

"Uh, Autumn...you really can go now, if you want. This'll probably take all lunch period."

"I'm okay. I don't really have anyone besides Scott to talk to, and he looked like he was busy...so I'll just stay here if you don't mind." Gwen's loud sobbing was in the background.

I looked at Autumn with an eyebrow raised. "You sure?"

"Yep. What can I do to help?"

"We're running low on tissue and chocolate, Mona," Paris called. She was patting Gwen's shoulder quietly, her eyes blazing. She wanted to go out there and do exactly what Em was at the moment--screaming her head off at the cheater. But Gwen wanted Paris with her, so she was with us.

"Would you mind taking my spot for a moment?" I asked Autumn. She smiled sadly. "No problem."

I looked at Aimee. "Can I borrow a dollar?"

She reached into the pocket of her jeans and gave me a crisp one-dollar bill, probably the only single she had. Aims had the type of parents that showered her with money rather than loving company.

"Thank you," I said, heading for the door.

As soon as I got out the bathroom, I felt like I could breathe again. That, what I saw in there, was horrible. I'd never been cheated on but it looked very very bad. Usually I was more wide-spread with my vocabulary, but the picture of Gwen's tear-stained, red face echoed in my brain.

I stopped at the machine, her sobs still ringing in my ears.

And suddenly, I was furious.

What exactly gave guys the idea that they could just run all over girls? Did they have no common sense at all? Did they think we would take it lying down? What with them and their stupid hormones?

Why were boys even created? Well, besides the obvious reasons, but that's not my point! My point is--

This stupid dollar wouldn't go into the stupid machine!

A boy probably invented it!

I propped my foot up against the glass and rubbed it on my jeans, smoothing it out, then tried again. The little light on the machine turned red and didn't accept it. Gritting my teeth, I jammed it against the piece of black plastic. The Hershey's bar behind the glass seemed to be teasing me. It seemed to be saying, "Ha ha, Mona Lisa, your sister needs a simple bar of chocolate and you can't get it for her. Ha ha ha."

That made me even angrier, even though it was a figment of my imagination.

I put the bill at the entrance. Still, the thing refused to accept it.

The Hershey's bar cackled. 

"You look like you need help with that." He sounded kind of stressed.

Oh great. A guy. Just the species that I was loathing right now. How utterly splendid for me.

"I'm fine," I said, without looking at him. I firmly placed the bill at the entrace.

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