Once class started the principal came in to introduce a new student and all the girls were drooling over him while the teacher told him to sit in a empty seat which was next to me and the teacher explained that since it was a Friday it was a free day so as long as we weren't loud then we could do whatever.

I turned towards the new guy and stuck my hand out and said Camila First. He looked at my hand and shook it Tristan Menendez. I was going to ask him if he wanted to come to the party but some other girls had came over.

"You should come to her party tonight and get to know everyone here." He looked at me and said only if it's okay with the host and the girls looked at me waiting for approval and I said of course he could. Once they left I wrote my phone number and address down on a piece of paper so he knows where it's at. He took it and said thanks.

Class was over and Kinsley came over to me with a smirk on her face. "What are you smirking about Kinsley?" We walked to my locker so I could change books. "Oh nothing but I saw the way you were looking at each other!" I laughed at her and we started walking to second period.

"I'm just saying did you invite him to the party at least?" I shook my head and started waiting for the teacher to teach the lesson. I was not listening to the teacher at all but I was thinking about Tristan like I've seen him somewhere before.

Soon class was over and I was anxious to get home and classes were going by so fast so when school was over some people came over to me and asked what time does the party start and I told them at 9. Kinsley and I walked down to my house and saw everyone outside.

"Is it alright if Kinsley stayed with me for the weekend?" He looked up at me and said yes so we went back to her car to get some 'clothes' but before I could leave my dad grabbed my shoulder and gave me a hug. I hugged him back but before I could give him a real hug Stephanie came out and he let go.

I got in the car and she asked me if I was okay and I just nodded. We went to her house and made sure her parents weren't home. "Are you sure that your parents aren't going to notice that some of their liquor is missing?" She nodded and started taking some of the bottles and put them in the backseat of her car.

We went to the store and got some snacks and other things that we had to bring our fake ID to the store. Once we got back to my house everyone was gone and I told her to sit the liquor in my room under my bed.

I went to the kitchen which where all the maids were at. Once they saw me they all smiled and waved. "As you know obviously that my dad and his family are at a business meeting and usually you all keep me company but my best friend is here so you don't have to."

They all looked at me shocked even Caroline which is my favorite maid and she decided to speak up. "Are you sure Camila?" I nodded my head and told them to take the whole weekend off and go spend time with their families. After they all left I let out a breath of relief.

"Are you ready to party tonight bitch?!" Kinsley came down and I said hell yeah I am. We got out all of the alcohol and Kinsley set it down in the kitchen while I snuck in my dad's office and got the drugs in his secret stash.

I walked downstairs to see Kinsley putting up lights and music. "What the hell did you do?!" She laughed and looked at me. You need this to be the biggest party of the year since this is our last year of high school so we need to make it count so put those drugs in the kitchen. I laughed at her and said yes ma'am.

Once we finally finished setting up and sat down someone was knocking on the door so I opened the door and a whole bunch of people were at the door and they all came in and I told them that drugs and alcohol were in the kitchen. All of a sudden Kinsley came to my side and said that I was needed in the kitchen.

I went to the kitchen and asked who needed me. They looked at me and a girl came up to me. "Where are we not allowed?" "You can anywhere outside as long as it's in the back and for the inside you can go anywhere but if you do go in a room tell me so I can change the sheets. Also my room is off limits." They all laughed and nodded their heads.

A group of girls came into the kitchen and gave me a drink and I lifted my eyebrow at her. Kinsley wanted me to give you this and you're needed on the dance floor. I drowned the drink and went to the dance floor. As soon as the dj saw me he grabbed the mic and screamed give it up for the for the person who is hosting this one hell of a party. We all lifted our drinks. I looked down to see mine was empty so I was going to get me another one.

I was about to walk away but someone grabbed my wrist and I turned around to see who it was and it was Tristan. I tired to say you made it but the music was loud so I pulled him in the kitchen and said it. He smiled and nodded and whispered in my ear "wanna go outside?" I shook my head yes and we went outside to a place that wasn't crowded.

"So I take it that your parents are out of town because you look like a good girl?" I laughed and nodded "well if you must know I can be bad." I don't believe that at all and if you are drink this." I smirked at him and grabbed his cup from him and drunk it but the minute it connected to my throat I started chocking and he started laughing.

"Okay maybe I'm not that bad but I'm not a goodie to shoes either." He laid back in the chair and said prove it. I climbed on his lap and began straddling him and cupped his cheeks and kissed him hard. He didn't hesitate to kiss me he put his hands on my his gripping them and guiding me to grind him and he was about to take off my shirt until we heard a camera go off. We broke apart to see who took a picture of us and it was a drunk Kinsley.

I sighed and got off of him to go take care of her. I looked back at him and said to be continued. He laughed as I took her upstairs to one of the guest rooms and laid her down on the bed. "You and Jackson looked cute kissing each other." She slurred and I was so confused on who Jackson was and then it clicked "it's Tristan not Jackson." She giggled and passed out. I put some blankets on top of her and walked out.

As I was walking downstairs I looked at the clock and it said that it was two-fifteen in the morning. Most of the people were still here so I took the mic from the dj and said that the party was over and everyone who is too drunk I'll call them an uber.

Once everyone was gone I was going to head upstairs until I heard someone start talking. "I see that you forgot about me." I laughed to see Tristan with a drink in his hand. "I could never forget about you." I wrapped my arms around his neck while his hands were by my waist and he leaned in but he looked at the time and said "shit my mom is gonna kill me if I'm not back by the time she wakes up!"

"Raincheck please?" I nodded and he pecked my cheek and left. I sighed out and went upstairs to check in on Kinsley. She was passed out drooling so I decided to take a picture of her and went to my room and fell asleep as soon as I put my head on the pillow.

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