When we couldn't find the 'animal', which was really Eric's glimmering piercings, Scotty forced himself upon me. I started to scream, and after what seemed like an eternity, Eric came flying out of no where. He tackled Scotty off of me and started fighting him.

That was my side of the story, and I was sticking to it.

"Where did Eric come from? What in the world was he doing at Amity?" Johanna asked.

I quickly made something up. "Eric told me he could hear my screams from the train. He jumped off and went running in the direction he heard it from."

"And after that?"

"I was in shock. I couldn't think. Eric told me he would keep me safe until I got my bearings. And he did. I followed him onto the train, and we just rode it until it came full circle, back to Amity."

"So, what you're telling me, is that Eric never kidnapped you or touched you." Johanna clearified.


She nodded her head, taking a minute to think. "Normally, I would gather the faction to decide a unanimous vote on how to handle the situation. But since there are two sides to the story, we need a third party. Would you be comfortable if we contacted Eric?"

"Absolutely. He'll tell you everything."

I'd have to find a way to get to Eric - and soon. He wouldn't know what to tell Johanna, and his story wouldn't match mine as I made up the lie that he heard me screaming from the train and came running. I'm not sure he'd even cooperate with her at all, but I'd have to tell him just incase.

"I will do so soon." She promised. "In the mean time, I'd like you to see the nurse. I worry that your nose is broken-"

"It is." I correct her. "Scotty broke it. Eric reset it."

She gave me an odd look. "Scarlett." She took a seat beside me. "I want you to give me an honest answer to what I'm about to ask you."

"Okay." I squinted at her.

"Are you and Eric romantically involved?"

"Oh, God, no." I shook my head, probably too fast. "No. I mean, we're friends, to say the least."

"You see him often?"

"Occasionally. Like I said, I met him on the train. I've been running into him ever since."

"You don't think that's a bit of a coincidence?"

"What is?"

"That Eric is suddenly in your life, protecting you quite a lot. Do you think he's following you? Perhaps lusts for you?"

"I don't know. He doesn't try anything. To be honest, he's a bit rude sometimes so I try to avoid him."

She pressed her lips into a flat line. "Well, as you know, you're free to make friends all you'd like. But you know the rules, Scarlett. You are only allowed to marry within your faction. Given the choice you make at the Choosing ceremony, you will marry accordingly. Until then, I suggest you to not get so close to Eric. You say there is nothing but friendship, but it can bloom."

"It won't."

"Some say he's pretty dangerous."

"Not to me."

She nodded. "There are always rumours circulating about Dauntless. They're very brave, causing people to think that they are, in fact, dangerous. But, who are we to judge." She stood up, offering her hand to help me. I took it gratefully and got to my feet. "I'll contact Eric soon."

All That I've Done ~ Eric Divergent FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now