It's not that Minho didn't enjoy his job - being in SHINee was possibly the best thing that has ever happened in his entire life - but the rehearsals and constant 24/7 working made him stressed and exhausted. They very rarely got breaks, and if they did, they were only for a few days and they would still all be together.

"Morning." Minho was broken from his thoughts as he heard Taemin speak in a gritty, throaty tone.

"Morning, Tae. How did you sleep?" Minho asked, brushing the hair out of Taemin's face carefully.

"Well, but I'm still so sore from training." He croaked and Minho pouted remorsefully.

"Well, luckily we have rehearsals again in," he checked his watch, "an hour." He said sarcastically and Taemin moaned a moan of distress, covering his eyes with his arms.

"Come one, lazy-lee, we have to get showered and dressed before Key and Jonghyun wake up," he pushed and Taemin nodded reluctantly, following Minho into the shower.


"Shit, I keep getting that bit wrong!" Minho complained, wailing his hands in the air.

"Stop exaggerating, you're doing fine." Taemin rolled his eyes and motioned for Minho to come back over and go over the routine again.

"I don't want to!" Minho whined, replicating a stubborn baby.

"Come on, Min. If we don't get this perfect by today it's not going to be ready for the concert!" Taemin urged for him to co-operate and Minho whined, but it was blatant that he could resist when Taemin was looking at him to innocently.

"Fine, just one more round, okay?" He negotiated and Taemin nodded happily.

"From the top." He said and the music started once again.

And they began.

An ideal follow puts Taemin's mass into his movement, allowing his lead to feel exactly where he is and what he is doing. He adapts quickly to changes in direction, allowing his lead to take command, and trusting Minho explicitly with his safety and well-being on the dance floor. He savors the movements, taking the time to complete each one before moving on to the next. He embellishes his steps, with a wave of the arm or a toss of the head, but does not interfere with what his partner is leading. He will make things difficult if the lead is not treating him well. He demands respect.

That was when he decided to let go. Let his worries, his pain, and sorrow go. Right here, right now Minho was living. Nothing else seemed to matter anymore; he allowed him to take him anywhere he pleased on this dance floor. He went right, Taemin went right. He sped up, Taemin sped up. They became one with the song, with the dance and with each other.

They were completely infatuated with each other, but one wrong move in one split second sent Minho tumbling to the floor.

"Oh my god! Are you okay, Min?" Taemin shrieked, dropping onto his knees next to Minho.

"Ah, I think I'm fine. I just fell on my ankle funnily." He said, a look of pain and discomfort etched onto his face.

Taemin rolled up Minho's joggers, being careful not to exacerbate the injury.

"It's bruised and swollen already!" He said, shocked.

"I'll try and stand up, I'm sure I'll be fine." Minho explained, but he didn't seem too sure.

"Ah!" Minho screeched in pain and fell back down onto his bum, "I can't walk on it! It hurts too much." He cried out on the verge of tears.

"Guys! What's happened?" Jonghyun said loudly as he walked into the room, Key following closely behind.

"We were rehearsing for Internet War and he fell! His ankle is all swollen and bruised." Taemin stammered in distress.

"Hey, Tae, he will be okay. I think his ankle is broken, though." He said monotonously.

"I'll call my mum, she's a nurse, I'm sure she can help." Key said and grabbed his phone from his pocket before dialing his mums number.

"How are we going to do the routine at the concert? It's ruined!"

"Uh, I could always fill in for Minho, I know all the moves." Jonghyun suggested and Minho raised his eyebrow.

"It's a very... Sensual routine, are you sure?" Minho said, not wanting Jonghyun to get that intimate with his boyfriend.

"Certain, as long as we can continue the concert normally and the fans are pleased." Jonghyun smiled and a look of anger flashed across Minho's features, before being replaced with a look of pain again.

"My mum is on her way." Key said and Minho nodded thankfully.

Thanks to Jonghyun, the concert will go on.

But is that really such a good thing?

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