Lily's Training

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"Alright Lily we're starting on some easy terms" I wanted to go home and take care of my kid but Mr. Araya is making me train

"Alright so first things first" he takes out a practice spear

"Here you go Lily and your opponent is, Yamabuki bring him in" Yamabuki gives us a smile

"Arise my puppet" Lily looks at the boy and sure enough Kazuki

"So I have to fight my boyfriend" Lily scared in the situation

"Yup, oh and make sure to go all out my son holds back a lot so you could probably teach him a lesson" Lily nods shaking

"Why you trembling Lily I almost saw you in the otherworld" Lily knowing what he meant so she played along

"What do you mean you saw me?" Now everyone was concerned

"I mean I felt your energy drop by a large amount, so I was gonna run over here but Yamabuki helped" Yamabuki smiles

"Your welcome Kazuki"

"Kazuki I want you to go all out" Kazuki is now in shock

His own girlfriend soon to be wife is asking him to go all out

Kazuki cracks his neck and get into stance

"Very well I'll go all out on you, but just a little warning I will not go easy on such a request" Kazuki takes out the Kamuy and holds it to his left hand and has it on the side of his face

He then throws the Kamuy like a spear 100 mph

Lily easily dodges it but it gave Kazuki the moment to head towards her and throw a high kick making her fly

"Target locked" Kazuki then jumps as high as he could grabbing Lily's arm and bringing her back down and slamming her to the ground making a big crater

"Give up" Kazuki smirking at his girlfriend who's on the ground


"Hahaha, you sound like your fading on me Lily" Lily looks at her spear but before she grabbed it Kazuki let's go of her arm and goes towards the spear

"So this is your weapon" He said as he picked it off the ground

"Might aswell used this" Kazuki then turns around and looks at Lily

He tosses the Kamuy

"Now let's fight for real" Kazuki holding the spear on his right hand

"Stage 2: Aura Manipulation" His eye glow a bright red color as he activates all the power that's around him

"Lighting, healing, shadow, ice that's all I need to finish you off and make sure I'll head back to finish my training"

Lily smirks in excitement

"You're just leaving so you won't take care of your son am I right?" Kazuki smiles

"If that were the case I wouldn't have held him in my arm in the first place"

Kazuki had enough talk and so did Lily

Kazuki using lighting on the spear clashed with the Kamuy making a big gust of wind

"Damn who knew my son was this strong, my weight can't even hold me down" as everyone else tries to press weight down

They all fly out the training field and on bushes, on top of trees or even buried by dust and dirt

"Well, Well Lily looks like you can possess the Kamuy's power... Won't be long till you Surrender" Kazuki now at his limit pushes the Kamuy back

Dashes towards a half breathing Lily

And processed to hit Lily with the end of her spear and gives her a uppercut and a punch to the stomach making her crash to set of trees

Lily gets back up and dashes towards Kazuki swinging the Kamuy around

Soon stopping and falls to the ground out of breathe

"You give up Lily"


"Heal" Kazuki heals Lily from a scar he gave her with the spear

Lily gets up like nothing happened

"So I see Nanao's healing has gotten better, well at this point with a few more months of training she'll be able to regenerate body parts" Kazuki laughs

As he stopped laughing he looks at his girlfriend

He picks her up and looks her in the eye

Lily heart pounding knowing what's going to happen so she closes her eyes

"Where's our son?" Lily stops in embarrassment

"What he's with–?????" Lily now thinking but a stronger presence appears making Kazuki look pass Lily

In a instinct he looks behind a tree and it's a bow

"LILY GET DOWN" Lily wanting to know why but Kazuki pushes her to the ground as Kazuki gets shot on the thigh

"Damn so close"

"Kazuki!!!" Just as Lily went to Kazuki's aid she turns around and looks at a someone in a dark cloak

"Who are you?" Lily now in fear

"Move it bitch I'm not here for you I'm here for Kazuki" he then walks to Lily pushing her to the side

"So Kazuki, Master want me to bring your head so how bout it" as he pulls out a Katana and hold it next to Kazuki's neck

"Alright" Kazuki says in defeat

"Oh wow surrendering all at once, my, my you sure know when to quit don't ya" the guy in black swung his Katana to the end of his shoulder and right at that sliced Kazuki's head off

Lily not shocked at all knows Kazuki went back to the otherworld but then she feels a aura similar to Kazuki

"Looking for me" Kazuki shoots out a fire cannon from behind as the guy in black blocks it

"Well, well if it isn't Ren" Kazuki says out loud to let him know his cloak burned and wearing his Ninja garb

"So Ren you are also a victim" Ren shakes his head

"No Kazuki this is power" Kazuki confused but still rolled with it

"Fine how about me and my wife fight you to see this power of yours" Ren chuckles

"2 for 1, sound like a deal" Ren gets in a stance similar to Kazuki

Lily and Kazuki aswell

Kazuki looks at Lily and kisses her

Lily shocked at the unexpected

"Good luck Lily your going to need it" Lily blushes and nods

Moe Ninja Girls: A Unknown PowerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon