23. Stockholm

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Jiang Zhen was taking a nap.

He recently developed the habit of taking a nap, and soon after he lay down, he fell asleep and looked at his sleep.

With this in mind, the heart that Yang Jiang had been carrying on his suitcase was finally put down - he could calm down.

Everything before, it was a nightmare for him. How could he be so unlucky, and he got into such a comet?

Yang Jiang was afraid of not being able to see it. He saw that Jiang Zhen seemed to sleep very well, but inevitably raised a glimmer of hope - he... can he take this opportunity to escape?

He really didn't want to stay with this person, just want to run away and never come back.

As a servant, Yang Jiang often deals with the spoiled and mixed children of the county. He also learned some things from them. For example, he will solve the rope... Of course, he is particularly slow.

It took half a hour to get rid of one of his hands. Yang Jiang finally solved the rope on his hand, and at this time, Jiang Zhen was still asleep.

As long as he can escape from the house, he can run away... Yang Jiang slowly stood up and slowly moved to the door...

At this moment, he suddenly felt a cold wind swept from his ear, and then the cold flashed, a knife was tied to the hand he wanted to open the door, and a "beep" sounded.

Looking at the sharp knife, Yang Jiang couldn't help but tremble. He slowly turned his head and looked at the bed in the room. It was obvious that Jiang Zhen, who was sleeping in bed, had opened his eyes. Looking at myself, I opened my mouth and revealed a smile, just like a demon came: "Want to escape?"

Yang Jiang's leg was soft and fell directly on the ground. It's hard to rise up and the courage to escape has disappeared.

He didn't dare to run, he never dared to run again!

If he runs again, the man will definitely put his knife in his head!

Jiang Zhenlu had a flying knife stunt and yawned, and he swayed from the bed.

He was a lazy look. When he walked to Yang Jiang, he suddenly violently swelled. He kicked Yang Jiang directly to Yang Jiang's shoulder and said that he had kicked several feet.

When Jiang Zhen hit Yang Jiang, he never showed mercy for three reasons.

One of the reasons is that this Yangjiang is not a good person. Once Jiang's boss went to give Jiang Chengxiang something to send, he saw that he was extorting a merchant and punched and kicked a farmer who went to the city to sell eggs.

The second reason is that this person has thick and fat meat and is resistant to fighting. The ancient medical conditions are not good. He is afraid that he will be killed if he accidentally kills someone. You don't have to worry about playing this person. It is.

As for the third reason... After he hit this person more, this person will definitely be afraid that he will not dare to ask him for trouble later, but the troubles of other Jiang family, this person will definitely look for it.

Jiang Zhen is very happy to find some trouble for the Jiang family.

After leaving a lot of shoe prints on Yang Jiang, Jiang Zhen pulled the knife on the door and patted Yang Jiang's head: "Have a little, know?"

Yang Jiang nodded again and again.

Jiang Zhen had already slept enough. He found a dress to wear, and took another clean dress. Then he kicked him again on Yang Jiang: "Stand up, go out with me."

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