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"You can choose the next song if you want." Y/n pointed out.

"I rather put it on shuffle. If you don't mind." Dami replied.

Y/n nodded and grabbed Dami's hand. She looked up to the sky, as clouds drifted by. Dami on the other hand looked at Y/n's profile.

"I'm glad you told me," Dami whispered.

"I'm thankful you listened," Y/n replied.

Dami turned her gaze up to the sky as well.

"How do you feel now?" She asked.

"Relieved." The other girl replied shortly. "I feel a lot better now."

"Was it hard to tell me?" Dami asked.

"Yes, but I trust you, so it was a little less scary," Y/n explained.

Y/n lifted Dami's hand to her face to give it a soft kiss on the back and looked at the wristwatch Dami was wearing.

"Maybe we should head back. It's almost lunch." Y/n said.

"That is a good idea. I'm starving." Dami jumped on her feet.

Her hood fell down in the process while Y/n stood up as well.

"You should be more careful. I don't want you to get burned." Y/n said softly and pulled Dami's hood back up.

Her fingers grazed Dami's cheeks in the process and it made the Vampire girl blush hard.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

Y/n watched her, as she put her glasses, scarf, and gloves on. Dami was ready to go and looked back at Y/n. The other girl leaned on the tree and had a smirk on her face.

"What is it?" Dami asked.

"You look like you want to raid the next bank." Y/n chuckled.

"Sorry miss short pants, but I need them to survive in the sun." Dami pouted.

"I know you just look funny." The other girl replied.

Y/n took Dami's hand, still smiling.

"Are you making fun of me?" Dami asked.

She pouted, but Y/n was not able to see it because of the scarf.

"I would never," Y/n said and put her free hand on her chest.

Her words were full of sarcasm.

"I will allow it. I'm glad you can make jokes again. It's good to see you happy." Dami said honestly.

A smile crossed Y/n's face and the girls started walking.

Later that day:

Y/n's pov:

You and Dami were working on the puzzle again. It was completely silent in the house, but you liked it. From time to time you found the right piece and the puzzle was almost done.

"Where do you want to hang it?" You heard Dami ask.

"I don't know. Maybe in your room? I mean you bought it." You pointed out without looking up.

Dami wanted to say something, but the doorbell interrupted her.

"I'll go." You said and jumped on your feet.

You made your way to the front door and opened it. Two hooded figures stood in the doorway.

"Can I help you?" You asked surprised.

One took the hood down and you saw that it was Jiu.

"Surprise." She said.

"Jiu told me what happened yesterday and we thought we should bring you some chocolate," Yoohyeon said and pulled her hood down as well.

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