Hyunjin who happens to walk at the same way saw Felix not too far from him. At first, Hyun just turn around because he wanted to use another way but when thinking about Lia he decided to follow Felix from his back.

Why? Because he himself also doesnt know why..

Felix looking so down and frowning. Gloomy and stressed, Hyunjin was thinking alone,

His depressions might came back. He will getting sick again.. he will hurt himself.. he will keep it by himself...

Hyunjin's mind was so full of Felix now, he is still faithfully following him from behind.

Its looks likes Felix decided to walk home since he is not taking a bus. Hyunjin just glare at the bus that was already taking off. Instant regret.

"He's going to walk home? Dude, its 30 minutes from here, are we joking?" Hyunjin mumbles alone, more like whisper to himself.

He just walk and walk until he doesnt realized that he just walked pass Felix. He stopped walking and turn to Felix, feeling strange. But then he realized Felix is staring at him, their eyes meet.

Oh, damn! Now Felix knows I've been following him!!! He is screaming inside.

"Why are you following me?" He asked.

Hyunjin shook his head. "No."

"Hyunjin.. if you are curious about yongbok things, please I'm not on the right mind to explain it now. Leave me alone." Felix strictly said while looking all serious.

"Me? Curious about you? Heck no..."

"Then why are you following me?" Felix asked again, now he is looking mad.

"I'm not following you, I'm just wants to go home. Coincidentally, our house are next to each other so... Thats why." Hyunjin just hope he was giving the best answer ever to get away from this.

"Liar! You have car, but now you're walking?" Felix once again strike a question.

Hyunjin start to feel uneasy, since he doesnt have an answer yet.

"I'm serious, I just want to go home! My car.. my car is at the workshop. My parents are busy so I walk home today. Got it?" Hyunjin keep and keep denying.

"Fine. Then go home." Said Felix.

"Okay! Bye." Hyunjin then began to walk straight not noticing that he just walk on an opposite direction of his home.

Felix knows really well that Hyunjin was following him.

"Now tell me!! Why you're following me?" Shouted Felix.

Hyunjin stopped walking, turning his face to Felix and walk closer to him.

"I'm not-"

"Yes, you are! You followed me!" Felix cut him off.

"I said I'm not-"

"Just tell me wh-"

"Because I'm worried of you!!" Hyunjin just slipped those from his mouth.

Both of them just stared at each other's eyes. The eyes that hold so many secrets but couldnt be express by just talking.

Felix is just surprised by Hyunjin's statement.

"You are?" He asked to confirm what he heard was true.

But its just making Hyunjin taken aback. He pretends to thinks.

"I know right? Why would I worried about you? Sigh... No. I'm not worried about you. I need to go now. Bye, yong- Felix." Then Hyunjin left Felix there alone.

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