Chapter 7 : Double Trouble

Start from the beginning

"I hope you don't mind me choosing this restaurant to meet. It's a personal favourite of mine", the young woman chuckled as she poured herself another glass of wine, whilst filling up another glass, passing it to Tom. "No, it's fine. It looks lovely here", Tom chuckled taking a sip of it, casting another look around the restaurant, as well as catching Luke's eye. He was stood not too far away watching, but even he pulled the familiar face of boredom, which make Tom chuckle. "Well I'm so glad you could meet me at such short notice. We are of course all thrilled at the office that you agreed to join the project", she rallied off, brushing her long blonde hair behind her, whilst pushing out her chest in a suggestive manner. Tom of course knew exactly what she was doing, but continued to just keep eye contact with her, and not let them stray. "Feel free to order something off the menu. It's on the house. The steak here is to die for", she pointed out, her red nails tapping the menu, sliding it across to him, her hand briefly brushing against his. "I'm sure it is", Tom said politely, pulling the menu towards him, and moving his hand further away. Why did women always do this to him? He wasn't even doing anything yet they would still throw themselves at him. He just didn't understand it: what made him so special and important? He was just an ordinary man who happened to be an actor. Nothing special.

"We of course understand that you must be incredibly busy with all of your film projects coming up, and we are all thrilled that we could get somebody as influential as you to come on board". Her sweet tone and suggestive movements were not helping to settle Tom's nerves. As much as he didn't want to offend the young lady, he just wasn't interesting in her. But then how can you bring down a balloon without popping it? "How about we order some food, then we can, erm, discuss schedules and stuff?", Tom suggested, shifting in his seat as her leg brushed up against his under the table. As much as he was trying to keep a calm, polite exterior, inside he was struggling to even form words. He didn't like it, and rather want to go, but of course when he glanced over at Luke to give him the 'get me out of here' look, he had his back to him. Typical.

"Tina", Gareth whispered, nudging her in her side. She had a little jump, scaring her out of daydream and nearly knocked over the glass in her hand. She didn't have time to compose herself before she looked up into the cold, emotionless eyes of her father. Immediately she broke her gaze and looked down into her lap, twisting her fingers uncomfortably as he took a seat opposite her. She remembered what had happened the last time she'd spoken out of terms with her father, and didn't want it to happen again. "Gareth, you may leave us", he said quietly as he poured himself a glass of wine, taking a rather big swig of it. Gareth calmly placed his hand onto her shoulder, giving her some reassurance, before he stepped outside of the booth to give them some privacy. "You look so much like your mother", her fathered whispered as he put his glass down and look at her. Tina immediately looked up at him, quite startled not by what he'd said, but how he'd said it. It was almost as if it sounded like he'd been crying. His eyes glowed warmly at her, and it almost made her heart break just looking at them. "I'm sorry about what I did. I should never have left you in the dark about my work and I should not have made such life changing decisions without asking you. And I am ashamed about hitting you. I should never have done that. I forgot that you are no longer a child, and I think it's time I treat you like the young woman you are, and not the child I am so used to seeing".

His words broke Tina's heart. She'd never expected her father to be like this, nor hear him talking like this. She had to bite her lip hard to stop herself just bursting into tears. "Dad, I-". "Please, let me finish", he said gently, his hand grasping hers across the table. Tina nodded her head and wiped the small tear away off her cheek. "I have not been a proper father. I have neglected you, and I fear that I will loose you. I don't want that to happen. You just remind me so much of Lily, and I still can't come to terms with her death. Every time I look at you I see her. I am just so glad that Gareth has looked after you. He is a far better father than I could ever hope to be". There was not a single dry eye around the table as both father and daughter wept, holding each other's hand tightly. There was nothing Tina could say; her father had said it all. "Come here", he whispered, brushing away his tears as he stood up. Immediately Tina jumped up from her seat and threw her arms around him, burying her head into his chest, bursting into tears. "Shhh. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry", he cried, stroking her head softly as she held onto him tightly. Both of them stood together, just crying and letting it pass, their bond repairing itself. "I think it's best if we forget what's happened, and start again. Don't you?", Jonathan whispered into her ear as he kissed her forehead. "Yeah", Tina muttered, brushing away her tears as she composed herself. "My lady", he said softly, holding out his hand, to which she put her small hand to. "You look beautiful tonight", he said, kissing her hand making her giggle. "Well I guess you have good tastes", she said blushing, gesturing to her dress. "Ha, oh no. I merely footed the bill", he chuckled, gesturing for her to sit, giving a wink. "Oh. But I though ...", Tina trailed off a little baffled, before she caught sight of Gareth looking, who just shrugged his shoulders, before giving her a cheeky wink. Her father smiled, his wrinkles showing his age as his grey hair caught in the candle light. "Well, seeing as you are a grown up", her father began as he poured a glass of wine. "I'm only seventeen", she whispered, correcting him. "Like I said, a grown up, I think it's time I started treating you like one. You are certainly not a child anymore", he laughed, passing the wine glass to her. "Now, let's order some food".

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