2: Pain.

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With one swift, nonchalant motion, I hurled the alarm clock through the air. The sound of the object crashing into the wall was somehow quieter than the alarm itself. I was awake for sure now, and I rubbed my eyes with a groan. I had finally slept for a few solid hours before I was dragged into consciousness.

It was so early that the sun hadn't illuminated the sky yet. I swung my feet off of the bed, stepping onto the cold wooden floor as I stood up, stretching with a yawn. I got dressed, brushing my hair as well before grabbing a piece of Shokupan for breakfast.

Although I was going to be a little bit late, I wasn't panicked. It was my first day in the new academy, so I didn't suppose they'd give me a hard time. I could simply say I got lost on my way.

I walked in, watching as a few dozen heads turned around to look straight at me, and I ignored their gazes, my eyes meeting that of the teacher's.

"Hello there. You must be Fubuki, right?" He greeted with a smile. "You're a little late, but it's alright. It's your first day here, anyways."

"I'm sorry," I replied, walking down the stairs towards him. I gave him my grades and paperwork from my previous academy. He scanned it quickly, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Well, Fubuki, I take it you're normally a good student, from these marks. You can sit in between Eiko and Sasuke," He spoke. "Sakura, do you mind relocating? You're already a pro in the subject matter we're teaching today!" He spoke positively, smiling as if he was hoping his statement would win over the pink-haired kunoichi.

The girl stared at him with wide eyes before sending a hard glare my way, surprising me. I wasn't sure what the big deal was.

"But. . . Iruka-Sensei. . . I got this seat fair and square!" She wined.

"Move next to Naruto," Iruka said as Sakura dramatically stood up and relocated herself, slumping in the seat sadly. Naruto was the yellow-haired boy I had made eye contact with when I first entered the village, and I gave him a curt nod. He blinked in shock, as if stunned before quickly waving back, a cheeky smile on his face now.

"Now, class. . . We're going to do roll call a little differently today. We're going to start out at the far back left of the classroom and move our way up. Raise your hand so Fubuki can see you and learn your name!" He spoke with a smile as I uncomfortably took the seat in between Eiko and Sasuke, flashing her a sheepish grin before glancing over at the boy named Sasuke. He didn't turn to look at me; He kept his hands together, elbows on the table, staring straight forward.

As the students listed off their names, I memorized the names of those I could, smiling and waving at Kiba as his name was called, and he waved back at me with a large grin.

Now it was Sasuke's turn to introduce himself. Since he was sitting right next to me, he didn't raise his hand.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha." He said without moving his body an inch. My ear twitched with curiosity as I peered at him curiously. An Uchiha?

I looked at Iruka as he looked back at me expectantly, following a silence. "I'm Fubuki Mayuko," I stated, but there was a quick response from behind me. It was like a chill entered the room, and for the first time ever, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sasuke's eyes slide to look at me.

"A Mayuko? DIdn't that clan—. . ." Sakura started, her voice faltering soon after as deafening, uncomfortable silence filled the air. I clenched my jaw, turning around to glare at her in anger. We made eye contact, and I could see the shame in her face, as she knew what she had said was impulsive and intrusive.

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