Bengelon 1: The Bigger Picture, And The Desire For Peace

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"i kind of understand now. Well, I only came here to see if you were ready for the Great Confrontation and our demise. I will be off now" a black puddle appears below Fronther, and he sinks into it, disappearing. The dangerous aura disappears too. My wife in green approaches me.

"always the same, isn't he?" I make a forced laugh at her comment. Now that the encounter with Fronther is over, all I have to worry about now, is Herald's arrival. I believe that my children will be able to clean the mansion well, so I do not have to worry about that. But do I really have to die in this upcoming war? My great family will be left without me. My wife, who was a great leader in her world, turns towards the palace and starts walking away from the rest of us.

"I will be waiting at the meeting room where you are going to be gathering with Herald" I should also prepare for Herald's arrival. This walk has already been enough for me.

"we should return to the palace too. We need to be ready and present when he finally arrives" I lead my wives back to the palace. While we are walking towards the palace, one of my children walk up to us and points to the direct entry portal, where Herald is going to come through.

"are any of us; the kids, going to be able to meet Herald when he passes through the portal?" depending on how important Herald's visit turns out to be.

"yes, or no. Depending on what his intentions are with his visit" my son sighs and walks away, heading towards the training grounds.

"have you prepared yourself for Herald's arrival yet?" I have to look my best for my boss when it is time for the meeting.

"yes, I have already made all of the preparations for when he arrives. I am ready for whatever he want to discuss with me" one of my officials runs up to me with great speed and struggles to catch his breath as he stops in-front of me.

"sir, Herald has just arrived!" but I only glanced at the portal not too long ago. Don't tell me he has the power to appear unexpectedly, he has done this ten times already.

"we should reach the entrance before he does. I do not want to appear unprepared" we run to the palace entrance, hoping to get there first. As we approach, more of my friends and officials are scrambling around, hastily setting everything up. We reach the entrance as Herald's guard assembles close by. Now that we have beat Herald to the front entrance, I am hoping that my kids were able to clean the palace in-time. The lead guard sounds the extremely loud horn that he always uses to announce Herald's approach. The guards all simultaneously take a step back, creating a path straight to the entrance. I can see Herald in the distance, approaching. He seems to have three other people accompanying him. I walk up to Herald to greet him, but as he always has, he opens his mouth first.

"it is good to see you Bengelon. I have some matters about the level of interference in your world" oh no. Did I help Lothar and Valian too much? The enforcer will be obligated to 'correct' that, if I did go too far. I shakily try to ask Herald.

"eh, did I give them too much help?" Herald makes a grumble and places his hand on his chin, while the three others look at him.

"we will talk about it in your war room" so my wife was correct in her suspicions of this visit being war-related. The clock is ticking after-all. The real Great War will soon erupt in every world. That will bring about a certain instability, which will only be able to be fixed by the true heir to the power of a god. Herald will be able to fix the major things when this happens, but the rest will be left up to the good gods of each world. While I become lost in my thoughts, we all walk with Herald to the war room. Because of my role as a good god, I desire peace more than conflict. Even if I want peace though, the danger that the secrets of the past hold compels me to prevent someone powerful from discovering the truth of what happened one thousand and three hundred years ago, that information must not come to light. We reach the war room, where my wife immediately opens the door for us.

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