Brother mine

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"Stop hovering at the door and do come in brother"

In fact, I had only been outside Mycrofts office for merley 30 seconds, checking my mobile for any updates of Lestrade.

I find myself grumbling under my breath at Mycrofts comment.

"Brother" I mumble as i greet him, and I walk to a chair slouchinh in it, glaring at mycroft as he glares back.

"Spit it out then Sherlock, you only come to me to use my government title or to pester me"

I stifle a laugh at the words "government title". Mycroft is the government at this point, and I have no clue why he oposes it so often.
I'm surprised he hasn't used it as a beating stick or an insult towards my lack of successes, like a good big brother would.

"I need to check security, and due to its particularly irritating camera placement, I need your government placement to aid in a case. I suspect the man that was murdered somehow was near Parliament, as I found remains of a fire and splashes of blood"

"A fire?" Mycroft jeers at me "Highly unlikely, are your abilities of deduction wearing down brother?"

I'm glad John isn't here. Punching a government official wouldn't have the best outcome

"Just give me the footage" I shout, a little louder than anticipated.

"Well. You're not one to get emotional Sherlock. What's got you in a sulk?"

I hate mycroft

"I'm not emotional brother. I'm struggling on this case, which is causing me some mild irritation."

"Well. That's not completely true now is it Sherlock"

What is this? A Therapy session? If any more people avoid the main topic of conversation, I may just go insane.

"What now." I roll my head back in annoyance

"John watson"

"What?" I say, a bit too quickly.

"Got a mean swing on him hasn't he?"

Oh for fucks sake.

He's been spying on me again. I'm not some child that needs supervision.

"You've been spying on me again. Mycroft i-"

"John watson, punching people and-" he inhales sharply, but mockingly whilst he looks at his screen. "breaking noses, from the looks of it"

"Look, John is, complicated, he's amazing in every way and is sometimes a little trigger, or in this case fist, happy."

I shake my head

"But he looks out for me, I wouldn't be the detective or man I am today without him so I'd appreciate if you'd stop saying his name like its the damn antichrist.
It's Dr.Watson to you Mycroft, nothing less."

I look up to mycroft after the outburst I just had, and see his wicked smile creeping onto his usually solemn face.

"What now" I grimace

"I'll get you your camera footage Sherlock"

"Mycroft. What an earth were you smiling at. You don't smile. Didn't know it was possible"

"There's alot of things you are unaware of brother mine." Mycroft smiles again

I stand and bang my hands on his desk.


"For a genius Sherlock, you really are an complete imbecile most of the time. Especially when it comes to.. Ahem.. Dr Watson."

I feel my hands clench unconsciously and I see mycroft eyes quickly take notice, and back off. Not one for physical confrontation my brother. Then again. Neither am I.

"Describe him to me sherlock" Mycroft demands, as he sits in his chair and crosses his legs slowly.

"I just did, why is this nessasary?"

He looks at me condescendingly and I sigh.

"Uh, John watson, a military man with a stance that could assert dominance in any given situation, casual dress sense with a tenancy to rotate his jumpers every few weeks, he is quite alot shorter than me, but somehow is quite alot stronger than me-"

"In terms of your friendship." He says leaning forwards

I'm finding this creepy yet therapeutic.

"He is a good man, and makes me a better one, we move somewhat in sync, and have grown comfortable with one anothers nature and habits. He knows exactly how to make my tea, and since he moved in, I've took a distaste to any other tea constructed for me. He understands me, and makes me feel... Normal.."

He's still fucking smiling

"Mycroft can you please spare me of any ridiculous enjoyment you are getting out of this makeshift therapy, and tell me the point of this."

He chuckles and stands, smoothing his suit as he speaks

"Normal. That's a strange way to put it. If you were any normal person Sherlock. I'd say you're in love."

My chest feels like it has physically sunk and I grip the chair. I attempt to speak but fail, with my voice breaking slightly, very much to My brothers entertainment.

"Ahem. That is ridiculous" I tell mycroft

"Like I said, any normal person. Sherlock. But you aren't normal are you? Not without Dr. Watson" he raises his eyebrows

"You're wrong. I care for John in a Purley platonic sense, nothing more. Thank you for the footage, I'll be on my way" and with this, I walk out of Mycrofts office, out to the street, waving down a taxi.

Purely platonic

You see. However much I try to tell myself this, mycrofts words linger in my head.

Youre in Love

And however much I'd hate to admit it.

I fear he may be correct.

Oh god. What have I done?

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