94.0: Just For It To Sail Again

Start from the beginning

"I know, go." Nick hugged her tight before letting go and she walked back over to the others, Rossi was keeping the media busy and Crystal found Garcia. "Where's Aaron?" Garcia turned to look at her with relief she hugged her before going back to her laptop, "Hotch's getting the others to find scraps of the bomb and informing Homeland Security about our unsubs with Strauss, the unsubs want attention all on them."

They certainly got it.

Crystal saw cars pulling in and went over, it was Reid and Kevin. Reid hurried over and hugged her, "You're okay, everyone else?" Crystal nodded, "Fine, from what I've heard everyone's fine and we're just trying to find Will." Reid nodded and they walked over to Hotch, he was looking at a blueprint and map on top of a cop car's hood. Hotch looked over at them and Crystal stood next to him, "What're we looking for?"

"Morgan and JJ said that the blast created a hole between the underground vaults and these tunnels." Hotch pointed them out and Reid nodded, "Most of these older banks are made up of granite or limestone for longevity." Hotch frowned at this, "So she knew to use a combination of C-4 and semtex to open her escape route."

"Which means this was planned from the beginning, she has knowledge about bombs but has only used one here that we know of." Crystal concluded and looked up at the bank, "There wouldn't be a second bombing, right?" Hotch shook his head, "Not when they couldn't stop to fully enjoy it, they're on the move and we need to find them before they do." 

Reid pointed at the map, "These tunnels let out at multiple points running west, she could still be underground." Hotch looked at the bank, "This is what she does, she waited till the last minute to exit so she could see all the chaos." This did make Crystal relax though, the chances of no second bombing meant that Nick and Jason were safe here. "We need to find the tunnel closest to the bank, that's where she's probably headed."

Hotch looked at the map before pointing in a direction, "It's two blocks from here, just outside the perimeter." Crystal sighed at this and stared at where he was pointing, they were too late.

We just missed them.


Crystal was in the truck with Garcia, Reid, and Emily. Emily had found an elderly couple hiding in the bank, Nick had rushed in to help save them, but it was to late and there was nothing they could do. "The smoke got to them, their pulses were to weak and it was too much by the time we got to there." JJ and Morgan had found Will's badge at the end of an alley, it was Northwest of the perimeter and the unsubs most likely had him.

"I've got footage confirming JJ and Morgan's theory of the unsubs escaping Northwest of the perimeter, I can see two figures in the car."

"Just two?" Crystal questioned and the rest of the team had showed up, they were all watching the screen. Hotch motioned to the screen, "Look at the way she's turned, it's like she's keeping an eye on someone in the back." Garcia glanced back at the team, "Does that mean Will's in the car?"

"Somebody is."

"What's the license plate Garcia?" Reid asked and Garcia typed on her computer to pull up the enhancement, "Huh, that's weird. They're government tags." Reid frowned, "Federal or District?"


"Well, they're either stolen or forged."

Crystal sighed as she stared at the screen, "Who the hell are these people?" Footsteps were heard and Strauss walked over to them, "They set up roadblocks in the district from 66 to Dulles." Kevin frowned, "Wait, so we're looking for a black SUV with sirens on? That's totally going to stand out." He was right, there were to many agents out there with the same car and they couldn't stop every single one, JJ and Morgan walked in and JJ was clutching Will's wallet.

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