One of the officers grabbed Lady Serena's arm, turning her around and cuffing her. "Ma'am, you are under arrest for conspiracy to commit murder, assault, treason, and conspiring against the Crown."

"No!" Serena fought back, trying to get away from the officer. However, he was much stronger than her, and forced her to move along with him as he escorted her out of the ballroom. The remaining officer apologized for interrupting the ton's evening, before following his partner to ensure Lady Serena didn't try to make a run for it.

And, for a moment, Cole felt peace.

However, he didn't allow himself time to enjoy it. He had somewhere he needed to be.

Staring up at the Covington home made Cole feel a different type of nervousness than he did earlier in the evening

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Staring up at the Covington home made Cole feel a different type of nervousness than he did earlier in the evening. He knew not what lay behind those doors, what sort of wreckage he had left behind. He did know, however, that there was at least one person who would be sure to give him a piece of their mind. He could only hope that they would all be kind enough to at least hear him. To at least give him that. Then they could throw him out. He just had to let you know.

Finally, he walked up to the door and grabbed the knocker and hit it against the door one, two, three times. The chamberlain opened the door, seeming just as shocked as she was all nights ago. She ushered him inside, saying something about how she wasn't expecting the Covington's to have company. He said something about not being to intrude, something about needing to get things off of his chest.

She led him to the same sitting room he broke your heart in. And his own heart ached as he saw the three of you in similar positions as you were all those nights ago. The chamberlain introduced him, and all eyes snapped to him. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat, to say something, but nothing could come. God, you were so beautiful, a vision in blue and pearls, and he wanted to say as much, to apologize, to plead and beg and do anything to make you understand why he had to do what he did, that he hated himself every day and every night.

But Elias moved faster than Cole could anticipate, his fist colliding with Cole's face. Cole stumbled backwards, clutching his nose, as you and Genevieve gasped.

"What the fuck did I say about turning up here uninvited?" Elias seethed.

"I came bearing news," Cole said, pulling out a handkerchief to wipe away the blood pouring from his nose.

"We don't want to fucking hear it," Elias said. "Leave."

"Elias!" Genevieve berated. "At least hear what His Royal Highness has to say."

Cole would never admit it, but it stung every time a Covington called him by his title. He really had meant it when he said he wanted the family to call him by his name. But he supposed he deserved it. He came Covington Enemy Number 1 when he broke off the courtship. He knew that. He understood that. But that didn't make it hurt any less.

"Very well. Get it out then," Elias said.

"Lady Serena was just arrested about a half hour ago," Cole said. "Not only had she hired that man to attack Y/N, but she also had plans to overthrow the Crown entirely."

Then your sweet voice that he had missed so dearly asked, "So, it's over?"

"It's over," Cole said. "And Y/N, I have to apologize to you. I hadn't wanted to break off our courtship, but it was the only way I could ensure that Lady Serena believed things were truly over. Her guard would be down, and we could get the information we needed. But, I can never forgive myself for hurting you in the process."

"So, you hadn't wanted to end things?"

"Of course not. I want you to understand that I've never been happier with someone else in my entire life. I never wanted you to feel like I didn't want you in my life, or that I didn't care for you, but it was the only way I could that you live a safe life." He turned to Elias. "And, Elias, I'm sorry that I hurt your family the way I did. I hope you can understand that I only did it to ensure that you all could live safe and happy lives."

"I'm not sorry for hitting you."

"Honestly, and truly, I deserved it."

And his focus turned back to you, an absolute goddess in blue. And he said, "If I may, there's one more thing I would like to say."

"Of course," you said, looking at him with your pretty eyes that he could never tire of. Lord, he missed seeing you. And he didn't want to waste another day without you.

Cole knew that, for as much as he wanted to look at you, his true question was directed toward your brother, so he looked to Elias as began to speak.

"All my life, everything had been chosen for me. I never had a say in what I did, who I saw, where I went. I had to play the role of a good son, a good prince, and, eventually, a good heir to the throne. My entire life, I've been searching for my freedom. I've gone on countless adventures, seen things that my people could only imagine in their most wild of dreams. But it wasn't enough." Cole paused, then looked to you. "And then I saw you for the first time, and I knew. I knew when I saw you standing up for yourself with your brother. I knew when you treated me as an equal. I knew when I saw you in the park, when I made the biggest mistake of my life, as you ran away. I knew. I've known. I used you to think that freedom was not being married, not being tied down in a relationship and being forced to play yet another role in the dozens I've taken on over the years. But I meant what I said in my apology, Y/N. I've never felt freer than when I was with you. And I don't want to lose that freedom. Not now, not ever. Sam told me that when you meet the right woman, you don't lose your freedom. I didn't believe him at the time, but now I understand."

"Cole..." you whispered, tears pricking at your eyes.

And, though he was addressing your brother, the man of the house, he never looked away from you. "And that's why I have to ask for your hand." His eyes finally tore away from yours as he looked to your brother. "Elias Covington, Viscount of Evermore, may I have your sister's hand in marriage?" 

EVERMORE (COLBY BROCK)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora