How can we be lovers if we cant be friends

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Another weekend another pub crawl with three of my favourite people Jamie Matt and Nick and Alex yeah he's not one of my favourite people we hate each other I don't know why we just do

"Y/n yer turn"Matt called my turn for a round of drinks
"What we having then"I asked everyone
"Pint"Matt Nick and Jamie said Alex shook his head scrunching his face up
"I'll buy mEh own drink thank Yeh"he glared at me
"Suit yourself"I scoffed

Truth is we hated each other but we hooked up a few times so hate sex we had I liked it just I don't like him well that's what I say to myself
I went to get everyone's drinks Matt helped me carry them back
"I'm sorreh bout Alex"he mumbled making me giggle
"Matt you should say sorry"I replied

Once we gave everyone their drinks my phone vibrated I check to see who it was a text message from this guy Blake I was talking to I met him one night with the guys the night me and Alex started hooking up
"Oooo who's tha'"Nick teased making me blush
"It's Blake"i chuckled Alex's eyes snapped to mine watching my expression

"What's he sayin"Jamie asked I checked the message and instantly blushed
"Is it a dick pic"Nick asked I laughed shaking my head
"God no"I giggled And showed them the message

"Hiya gorgeous I'm in town this week i was wondering if yeh wanted teh go on a date sometime"Matt read out Alex's jaw clenched his hand turned into a tight fist
'Whats his problem'i thought

"Go on a date wif him"Matt said
"I don't know maybe it's a bit of fun I was wanting to be honest"i chuckled as bad as it sounds I Blake wasn't really my type to date and i had my eye on someone else

"Oh and who will tha' beh"Alex chuckled not the friendly chuckle the sarcastic chuckle
"None of your business Turner"i sassed the room now filled with tension
"I think I will say yes"I said sending Blake a message saying yes I'll go on a date with him

"I'm going for a smoke"i announced getting off my seat the boys replied with an alright
I sat outside on a bench gladly smoking my cigarette until I heard someone clearing their throat behind me I turned around to see Alex standing there
"Oh it's you"i mumbled turning back to smoking my cig

"So yeh got a date"Alex said breaking the silence sitting beside me
"Yes and"i mumbled not showing any interest in what he has to say
"Yeh kno' he's onleh askin yeh out for a shag"Alex chuckled
'That basterd knows how to push my buttons' I thought
"Maybe I'm going for the shag I reckon he'll be the best at it"i bluntly stated to piss Alex off
"The best doll yeh don't kno' the best"he chuckled
"Really"I replied
"I'll show yeh"he mumbled

"Don't make me laugh"I scoffed
"Wasn't tryin teh"he mumbled inching closer to me
"What are you doing"I asked Alex looked me in my eyes they were darker than usual
"Dont yeh see I don't want yeh teh go on tha' daft date"he whispered his lips inches from mine
"Well tough luck"I scoffed pulling away from him then standing up Walking away

Alex followed i kept walking past the pub to an ally
"Y/n fookin hell wait there"Alex said
"What do you want"I snapped
"Dont yeh see I want yeh"Alex whispered coming closer to me I was backed against the wall
"You hate me"I mumbled
"No I don't I pretend I deh joost teh hide the fact I like yeh"Alex sighed
"The sex it wasn't hate sex it meant summat teh mEh"he added

"Alex i-I"I stuttered lost for words
"Just tell mEh yeh feel the same"he said
"How can we be lovers if we can't be friends"i said just above whisper
"How can weh start over when the fight never ends"he chuckled
"Yeh really had to do that"I giggled
"It was there I had teh"he chuckled his face an inch away from mine

"Kiss me Alex"i sighed Alex wasted no time before smashing his lips on mine our lips fitting perfectly together like a puzzle piece
Alex pulled away resting his forehead against mine "fink weh should get back"he mumbled
I nodded

We made our way back to the pub nick looking at us both
"Oh my god yeh two shagged"he gasped making me and Alex laugh
"No we didn't"we giggled sitting down at the table
"Well yeh musta done summat yeh all giddy and yeh hate each other"Jamie questioned
"That's no what the point is not"I said
"The point is weh are mates now"Alex smirked sending a wink to me making me blush

Only friends but at least it's a start

Alex Turner one shots (includes smut)Where stories live. Discover now