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The Alpha opened her eyes groaning loudly as her back ached at the way she was laying. She tried to move the hair out of her face but she was confused why her hands couldn't move.

It took few minutes for her to realize that she is not in her bed with her Omega. She was not in her Omega's comfortable nest, instead she was in a dark empty room with only a small air hole on the top of the wall. The Alpha panicked as she looked around.

She was sitting on the floor, her hands tied together on her back. Her legs were also tied together on her foot and knees. She don't know where she is, she is brave but she is confused of what is happening.

Why is she here? How is she here? How does this happened?

Where is Clara? Where is her Omega? She panicked when she couldn't scent her Omega nearby, she wonders where's her Omega is. She is sad, what if Clara is in this situation too? Clara hates darkness, she would be scared now.

Michelle tried to shift into her wolf form but she couldn't and she wonders why. Her back is aching but she can think. What is happening? Where is she?

She stays silent and sharpened her senses. Nothng, she heard or smell nothing. She lose her sense? Is she dreaming?

"Clara?" She called loudly "Are you here baby?"

No reply, she heard nothing in here. She tries to think what happened some times ago. She was returning back to home from her mate's shop after having meal, and all she could think was sleep. She slept and that's what she remembers.

Did someone kidnapped her? Why would someone kidnap her?

The Alpha's eyes widened in realization. She is caught.

"Oh no" She mumbled

She is not scared of anything, not the King, not the consequence, nor the black magic. But one thing, she is scared of one thing. Her mate, her love, she can't lose her. Clara is the only one there for her, his Omega is the most beautiful person she has ever seen and her Omega loves her genuinely. The most scary part is Clara hating her, hating her for lying. Michelle would die if Clara hates her, Clara loves her land more than her life and if her mate involves in destroy it then she won't hesitate to break the bond.

The Alpha sighed sadly, there is no going back. Michelle doesn't regret anything she have done expect for using Clara at first, eventually she loved the red head Omega who has the precious smile. The plan was to make the Omega love her, marry her, live in Doncaster and it all done well but she also fell in love. She could never ignore her wolf who loves the Omega too much and she let's herelf in too. Her Alpha leader also knows and he have no problem with it, he supports her decision and instead all he needs is help and she is always willing to help her Alpha.

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