Chapter 3: Confession

Start from the beginning

"Yunho?" Jae turned to him, their face a little too close to his slightly confused and bewildered face. With that close distance between them, Yunho could see Jae's perfectly dark brown irises and how well his jawline complimented his nose and how perfectly shaped his eyes were to his face.

"Jae, you can ask for help, if I'm too heavy for you." he replied as he chuckled looking down, breaking the close proximity between his and Jae's faces.

"I'm fine. I can handle you, you'll see..." Jae replied confidently as he tried again to move Yunho. Jae tried all his might and sweat really hard.

"See, you can't." Yunho said as he patted with the hand that was on Jae's shoulder. "Now, just ask for help and leave me here. I should be fine"

"But..." Jae tried to reason.

"Really Jae. I will be fine. Just go ask help. I'll wait for you right here by the foyer's steps" Yunho said as he sat down and smiled at Jae. He felt an overpowering sting of gladness when he saw Jae's face turn as red as tomato.

"Oh...O...OK..." Jae stuttered as he turned his back from Yunho. Jae slapped himself mentally for blushing in front of Yunho and made it through the signage that pointed to the hallways

How odd can that boy get? Yunho thought as he watched Jae's back disappear from his view.


Aish, why did I have to be so careless? Jae snapped to himself as he slowly made it through the corridors upstairs. Where should I go? I don't even know a single soul out here, Jae thought to himself, realizing that he lost the school map he was holding just before the incident.

Walking on the second floor of the three floored building, Jae wandered along the corridors in hopes of finding the school clinic personnel. Jae had turned up to the CR, the library and some PE teachers' lounge but couldn't find the clinic. Resigning, Jae tugged himself in defeat and decided to find the evasive office to the floor above. As he climbed the stairs however , he saw a familiar face coming out from a classroom door, face sullen and lonely.

"Junsu~ah!" He called out and went straight to his best friend who looked at him, surprised.

"Jae?" Junsu asked and went near the approaching Jae. Jae's felt that Junsu was clearly puzzled by his appearance to Junsu's year's lobby. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in your room on the left wing building. The first period has started now!" Jae heard his friend say as he was pushed back. Jae saw sadness in his friend's eyes when they locked gazes. I must really look so pitiful, Jae mentally noted.

 "Jae, about what happened earlier this morning" Junsu started as he let go of Jae and scratched his scalp. "I was out of line, and I never should have said those things, I'm really s-" he was cut off

"No, Junsu~ah! I should say sorry. I should have told you about that dream. I'm sorry if I made you feel unappreciated" Jae said as he looked his friend in the eye. "But hyung, that's really not the reason why I came here" Jae said as he looked down

"Huh? So why are you here then?" Junsu asked as he bended down, trying to look at Jae's face fixed to the ground.

Like an adorable innocent puppy, Jae flashed his beautiful eyes and clasped his hands "Junsu~hyung, I hurt somebody and I need to take him to the school nurse. Please help me; he's too heavy for me!" Jae said and clung to Junsu's arms, "Please hyung! Please?"

"I leave you for an hour and you cause mayhem, Aish! How reckless can you be?" Junsu remarked as he pinched his friend's cheek.

"Yah, that hurts!" Jae said and pouted. Junsu saw this and was mesmerized. How cute can you get, Joongie? he thought. "Fine I'll help you"

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