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Out of nowhere, while I lay comfortably asleep under Hagrid's overcoat, something dropped on top of me and started pecking and clawing

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Out of nowhere, while I lay comfortably asleep under Hagrid's overcoat, something dropped on top of me and started pecking and clawing.

I snuggled deeper into the coat, kicking out in a groggy attempt to make it go away. Distantly, I heard Harry's voice as he panicked and tried to make whatever it was stop attacking me--or, more likely, attacking Hagrid's coat.

I bet it's because of those bloody dormice.

Fed up, I sat up abruptly and wove the coat about harshly. There was a thump and, huffing in satisfaction, I curled back up and went right back to sleep.

The next thing I knew, Harry was shaking my arm.

"Jewel?" he said cautiously.

I flung an arm over my face.

"Back, demon--" I moaned sleepily as I snuggled deeper into Hagrid's coat.

"Jewel, you have to get up," Harry insisted.

I didn't budge, floating in the cotton candy land between being awake and being dead to the world.


I grumbled something along the lines of, 'Jewel need sleep, Harry go away, fire bad'.

I could hear something, more damn hooting, then the coat shifted once or twice and Harry went very quiet.

"Best be off, Harry, lots ter do today," Hagrid yawned, "gotta get up ter London an' buy all yer stuff fer school. Come on, Jewel--yeh can' sleep all day," he added to me.

Even half-asleep, I grunted something like, "wanna bet?" and pointedly rolled onto my side.

Hagrid chuckled in amusement.


Harry suddenly sounded dejected.


"I haven't got any money--and you heard Uncle Vernon last night..." Against my will, I felt myself wake up slightly, "he won't pay for me to go and learn magic."

"Don't worry about that. D'yeh think yer parents didn't leave yeh anything?"

At that, curiosity got the better of me and I blinked open my eyes--only to groan and rub them furiously when the sunlight streaming through the windows briefly blinded me.

After my eyes adjusted, I cracked a yawn and rolled onto my back to see Hagrid sitting up on the sofa and Harry on the floor next to me holding weird-looking bronze coins.

...I feel like I missed something.

"But if their house was destroyed--"

"They didn't keep their gold in the house, boy! Nah, first stop fer us is Gringotts Wizards' bank," Hagrid cut in before mumbling something about sausages and cake--I kind of tuned out.

。+.*𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗜𝗡 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗔𝗜𝗥*+。 [𝘿. 𝙈𝘼𝙇𝙁𝙊𝙔]¹Where stories live. Discover now