Chapter 3.5- Police Station BS

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-Hey Guys! This chapter is kind of just what happens after the fight in Chapter 3, so I wouldn't call it Chapter 4. Chapter 4 will be skipped in time(So it'll be like maybe a month or so after this happens, I'm skipping some time so that Madison will be back to normal at her school. These chapters that are already finished up to this are just so you can kind of understand the characters a little.) So enjoy!-                                                  

                                  CH 3.5(Because it's so short, it can't be Chapter 4)

“I can’t believe I’m stuck here with you.” I groaned, leaning back in the hard metal chair.

“It’s not that bad,” Gage muttered.

I looked at him and scowled.  “I’m not that bad.” he said.


He sighed and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “I’m not a bad guy, Madison.” he


I snorted, took in a deep breath, and began counting off with my fingers, “Let’s see…you broke my

elbow, threw glitter on my face-that could‘ve made me BLIND by the way- and then you beat the shit

out of a police officer who was coming after me, thinking he was coming after you, which makes me

assume you‘re a pretty bad guy if you‘re attacking the cops…” I shrugged at him. “seems pretty

douche-like to me, dontcha’think?”

“Maybe you’re just a bitch….and I don’t like bitches.” he mumbled into his hands. I snorted.

“You’re girlfriend’s one of them.” I pointed out.

 “Jealous, are we?” he challenged, looking at me with a smirk on his face. I scowled again.

“You wish, D-bag.”

“You bet I do,” he mumbled.

“What the-”

 “I was kidding. Jeez.” he snapped at me.

The door suddenly opened to an old fat guy in uniform with a comb-over giving me a cold look.

“You two can go now.” he ordered and shut the door again. Gage and I shared a ‘WTF’ look, got up,

and left.

By the time Oliver got to the station with his Mercedes, Gage was already long gone. Who knew Bri

lived so close to the police station? Bet that’s how she got out of so many tickets. The Art of

Fake-Boobed Seduction.

“Aye, Baby!” he yelled from his car, flailing his arms around. “You’re going Juvenile on me, eh,

Sexy?” he said seductively, “because I like my women rough.” I chuckled.

“Of course you do, Oliver. Of course you do…”


It was short and sweet. Gosh, I wish more people would read this. I feel like I'm writing this for nothing. :( Oh well!

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