"But I think something might happens to him, Han."

Its just what Chan hyung said is still in my mind.

"Felix is fragile. His mind, his spirit. He needs someone to always protect him. So, thats why I'll never going to leave him behind."

Those words was still and always on my mind.

"They are looking for Him, jinnie. Lets adults do their job."

"But what if something happened to him?"

"Dont worry, he will be fine."

"No! He is not." I shouted making Han startled and went quiet.

"I'm sorry.. I'm just worried. Felix is not like us, he has been going through a lot and I dont want him to face something that will hurt him again." I hope Han will understand what am I trying to say.

"No, its okay. I know you're worrying about him. I am worried too, but lets trust our teachers. Okay?" He comforted me.

Maybe not a lot but enough for me to slowly nods.

A few trucks are here, and all the students starting to loaded in their stuff including Han and mine.

After they get in the trucks, Han extended his hand to help me getting in but I'm still hesitating to follow them.

I stare at the dark forest, I feel the urges to do something.

Then I look at Han.

"Han, will you do me a favour?" I ask him, full with hopes.

He is just looking all confused at my suspicious look.

"Look, once you get down there, call Chan hyung and tell him about what happened. And please lend me your torchlight." I said, super strict.

Han widen his eyes. "W-here are you going?"

I took my jacket with me, and my backpack on my back. I bring it because I have everything in there. Its gonna be useful in the future.

"I'll go get Felix. Pray for me." I said and I dont wait for Han to reply because I just took my step fast inside the forest.

"Yah!! Dont do something crazy Hyunjin ah!! Yah Hwang Hyunjin!!!"

I can hear Han yelled from afar but my mission now is,


Why? I dont know... I just feel like I need to find him before the others did.

It was just my inner self keep telling me that Felix is not anywhere far from me.

I use Han's torchlight to help me through the dark ways. This place was amazing during day but turned scary during night. Its almost like an horror movie scene.

I glares everywhere, flashing the light everywhere. But no one, not even a voice. Just mosquitoes annoyingly flying around my ears.

"Felix?!" I scream out his name. But all I can hear is my voice echoed against me.

I keep screaming and screaming until my throat hurts. Feeling tired, I took a break and sit on the ground.

Leaning my back on the tree.

"Meow~~ meow..~"

Huh? Is that the real cat or a ghost? I'm in the middle of forest, is that possible to find cat in this place? Or,Was it a bobcat?

But its sounded like near here, So out of curiosity, I look around to find what it was and its true.

I saw a cat. A beautiful cat, it does look a lot like yongbok. But it couldnt be yongbok since my house was a bit far from here.

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