Guess who's back

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(Ac and Garrett)
The next day
The girls went to heathers house to help her out.The guys were just on the couch watching Law and Order again.When the door bell ringed.they both stay seated.
"Are you going to get it Garrett"Ac says will stuffing his face with chips
"Oh sure ill get oh and maybe I can do clean your room to"Garrett says with anger
"Oh that would be great"Ac says
"you no what........i just......ugh never mind"
"Just go get the door"Ac says
Garrett walks to the door and opens it.
"Oh what's up man how's it been"Garrett says nervously
"It's been fine"James says (dun dun duuunnnn)
"Yo what's up James"Ac says still stuffing his face with chips.James walks in the house.Garrett showed him his room.Ac walks with them to James room and they started to talk.(dun dun duuunnnn)

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