Why didn't the wolf kill me? Chapter 31

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Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while I've been ill and if I did upload it would make absolutely no sense at all, also this would have been up earlier but my computer crashed deleting the whole chapter and I'd almost finished, but hopefully I will have similar words in this one, this chapter will be long I'm not sure how long exactly because you can't really tell on this, but anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter :D x


He lead me downstairs and into the room were the others seemed to be in a conversation that I couldn't really understand because of how confusing it was "that's why it would never happen", Olivia said finishing the conversation, I wanted to know what they were talking about but left it, but Rick had other ideas.

"what would never happen?", he asked, everyone seemed to groan in frustration at him "please don't get her started", Crystal begged him, Olivia glared at her and said "What isn't intelligent about discussing whether or not a person could race a rabbit in a swimming pool and win?", she questioned everyone looked at her giving her amused smiles there eyes clearly saying are you kidding me "I just think that the rabbit would win I mean if there fast on land what is stopping them from being fast in water", I couldn't help it I laughed when she said this.

I never really noticed how crazy and random Olivia was before all this, I guess she was shy and nervous because she was traumatised by a certain vampire that will go un-named.

As I was in deep thought it seemed they had started another 'intelligent' conversation which I really couldn't be bothered to question nor be bothered to get involved in, Dan and Cindy seemed to be arguing about something, "would not", she said and his amazingly genius response was "would to". This continued for quite a while until Cindy turned to me and said "would not, would it Eve?".

I shook my head at her saying "I honestly don't know what this conversation is about nor do I care", Dan smirked at her then said "see I win, she's just to nice to tell you the truth that you're wrong", he finished by sticking his tongue out in a childish gesture I chuckled slightly as they started another war of 'do not' and of course not to forget 'do to'.

I walked out of the room leaving them to it, and went outside following the path that lead into the back garden, and sat on a swing pushing myself slowly as it creaked in protest, it really was an old swing. I sighed in content then closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, I felt as if I were flying, the last time I went on a swing was when I were 9, my dad took me to the park pretty much every day that was until him and mum got a divorce.

I used to love swinging higher and higher trying to reach the sky until falling back to earth again giggling in excitement, I felt a raindrop hit my head and looked up as another hit me causing me to blink, I grinned jumping off the swing as the rain quickened. I don't know why but the rain always made me feel better, I span in circles tipping my head back and smiling.

I stopped and turned around to see Rick smiling at me from the door, I returned the favour as he approached me, "you know you're gonna catch a cold if you stay out in the rain?", he questioned, I nodded at him happily "if a cold is the price I have to pay for being in the rain then it's a price worth paying".

He rolled his eyes at me slipping off his jacket and putting it around my shoulders I shrugged it on, though it didn't do much it still made me a little warmer than before "thank you" I said smiling "your welcome", he seemed to be searching for something as he said those words, then his eyes lit up in excitement as he grabbed my hand.

"follow me", he said facing me, I simply nodded as he dragged me through the garden, I spotted a small opening in a hill and smiled slightly as he dragged me to it's side. He motioned for me to enter and I did as said or motioned in this case, it was a bit bigger then first suspected but not really big, it was cosy.

Rick entered after me, and I couldn't help but laugh at him, water dripped from every strand of his hair and he was shivering, "you think this is funny do you?", he asked playfully, I nodded "very", he flashed a mischievous grin, then shaking his head splashing water at me, before throwing me over his shoulder and spinning around in circles.

"Stop it", i giggled, he shook his head at me "na-ah not until you say sorry and surrender", I didn't even have to think about my answer as I screamed "NEVER", through fits of giggles, he span faster before stopping abruptly and putting well laying me on the ground and tickling me, he knew I hated him doing that, I was laughing so much my sides hurt "fine", I said still laughing "sorry I surrender", I said quietly trying not to laugh, "what was that", he said continuing to tickle me "I said I'm sorry and I surrender", I screamed trying to contain my laughter.

"Good", he said before peckng my lips and standing up offering me his hand still smiling in triumph, I was still trying to calm myself down as I smiled up at him, it's amazing how nice and fun he can be.

"So we're soaked through in a hill den what now?", he smiled at me grabbing my hand "how bout we head back home and change into some dry clothes or get ready for the shift", I thought about the two suggestions then decided by shifting, he smiled knowingly and changed to as we headed back to the house, it was a lot warmer as a wolf.

When we entered the room I was happy to here they weren't still on the random conversations topic "holy...", someone said in shock as they saw us, I smirked slightly when I noticed it was Cindy, she had started acting nicer to me as show so I was aloud to scare her "go-good do-dog-doggy", she said putting her hand toward me I snapped at it slightly making her jump back in shock.

I smiled at that reaction, 10 minutes of this til she changes to I looked around the room to se3e the amused faces of others, they knew it was me and Rick, my eyes stopped at Zach and Olivia it was the cutest sight ever, she was laying on him asleep and he had his arm draped around her shoulder casually though he was awake, he was looking at her with love in his eyes and looked as if he were protecting her.

I smiled at them in awe they were so cute together, he seemed so oblivious to the world, like she was the only person he saw, it was the same look I sometimes caught Rick giving me, and though I don't like to admit it the same look Cindy gave Dan, even though it may seem as though she doesn't care she has him you could see the love in her eyes for him.

I turned to face Rick smiling, I think he noticed why as well as he looked around the room smiling at them all, Cindy still looked scared of us so I decided to put her out of her misery and shifted back, her eyes once filled with shock and fear now filled with anger "YOU", she screamed I smiled nodding at her, I don't think she is going to finish that sentence.

"I think we should get Cindy out of the house since she is still a 'regular' werewolf and would kill everyone here", I suggested putting emphasis on regular as she seemed to notice glaring at me, she got up from her seat and set off into the wood ahead of us, I laughed a little and followed behind her, we had told her that we would help her find a safe spot, well Rick decided and forced me to go along with it, he owes me.

 We lead her into the middle of the wood and I shifted back to a wolf, Rick had walked here still as a wolf, then me and him hid behind the brush while she shifted we needed to make sure she went in the opposite direction of the house, the moon shone high and I heard her bones begin to snap as she screamed out in agony, I couldn't bare to watch she looked as if she was in so much pain and we could not do anything about it.

Within two minutes, she was a golden furred wolf, and looked hungry luckily she walked away from the house and raced deep within the wood, we decided not to follow and headed back home, keeping watch throughout the night, right now we had an hour of being our wolfy selves why not make the best of it?


Okay that is the newest chapter of Why didn't the wolf kill me? I hope it was long because I wanted to show how sorry I am for not uploading in a while, vote comment or neither your choice, also I tried to put a picture of Eve up though I don't think it worked I hope it did though :D x

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