Hyunjin who is still confused as heck just stared at the long thing.

"This thing?"

"Yes, that one! Assembles them together. Its should just easily stick up with each other." Said Han.

"Ah? I.. will try.." said Hyunjin hesitantly.

Felix feels like he wants to hug Hyunjin so bad with too much of cuteness he needs to handle. But he restrain himself from that feeling.

"Felix you can attach the poles with the body, right?" Ask Han again.

Felix just nods. "Yeah, of course!" Felix happily help the team. Han also went to the next step after each.

Finally they manage to set the tent up without any difficulty. Hyunjin let out a long sigh, looking like he is the most tired one there.

"Aigoo.. its pretty tiring.." Hyunjin whiny like a baby.

"What? You only help with one thing and you are the most tired one?" Han babbling at Hyunjin. Is done with his friend's behaviour.

"Hanie.. your behaviour is so.. ugh!!" He shouted in english at Han.

Han just stick his tongue out. Wanting to tease Hyunjin but Hyunjin is just too tired to fight him back so he just let him be.

"Yah, Hanie.. how can you know a lot about this?" Felix asked.

"Uhmm.. its a secret!!" Said Han.

"Probably from Minho hyung." Said Hyunjin while lying down inside the tent.

"Yah! How did you know?" Han feel triggered.

"Secret!"  Hyunjin replied.

"Whatever! Felix lets go."


"Mrs. Yoon said we can take a bath at the river, right? Lets go. Its not like we can always be around river when we get home." Said Han while taking out a few of his bathing stuff.

Felix start to remember something. He cant take a bath, if he takes a bath his whole body will starts to glittered, its probably okay if he was at home  but now it can be dangerous if he join Han. They will probably find out about his identity.

"No, I dont like river. You can go with Hyunjin."

"What? Seriously?! You are always mysterious, lixie. Fine! Hyunjin lets go!"

"Wait," Hyunjin lazily stood up bringing his shirts and toiletries.

"Are you sure you wont join us?" Hyunjin ask to make sure.

Felix just shakes his head, even though his body feel really uncomfortable due to a lot of sweating from walking through the forest. But what can he do, he has taboos to follow.

Then Lia and her group walk towards Felix who is just chilling, appreciating nature around him.

"Hey, Felix!" Greet her, happy.

"Oh, hi? Y-yes?" Felix stutter since he is not used to talk to someone he doesnt know yet.

"Hi, my name is Lia. This is my friends, Yeji, Mia and Eunbin." She said while introducing her friends.

"Oh.. h-hi.. I'm Felix." Felix just awkwardly smiled. He just realized that they are the same people who ask him for a selfie that day.

"We already know you. You are so popular among girls at our school." Said Yeji.

"I know right? But Felix we would like to tell you that we are the presidents of Hyunjin's fanclub." Said Mia.

Felix just smiled. He is not sure why they are telling this to him though.

My Deskmate Is A KITTYजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें