Chapter 13 : Last Fight

Start from the beginning

- What ? bitch !? bitch !?

Délia always belittled her old friend, she was toxic with Suzy and controls everything she does :

- You have always been toxic to me, Délia !

Suzy remembers the time she consoled Joey after his humiliation in the shower , Delia felt no remorse for his actions , she wanted to humiliate Joey because she was too pretty.

Even after the war against HYDRA, Délia did not question herself, and continued to commit increasingly serious crimes.

The tension increased with Tia's death.

Sergio calls his henchmen, Marius and Deelan beat soundly

Meanwhile, Joey is with Dana , she rocks her, Dana goes to sleep.

Joey puts her in her crib and sings her a lullaby to help her sleep, Dana sucks her thumb, Joey smiles and puts the stuffed bunny Rika next to her.

Jo ey thinks very hard about her fiancé :

- Oggy, my love, I'm thinking of you

Dana wakes up, from the height of 8 days, the baby thinks very hard about his father . She shakes then starts to cry, Joey carries her and cuddles her against her purple and blue dress, Dana snuggles against her mom's chest , Joey strokes her daughter's head and cradles her :

- It's going to be fine, mum is here, dad is fine

She sings him a lullaby , Dana falls asleep .

Meanwhile, Oggy continues to face Leonard, c ast continues to the taunting r :

- Joey and I, we slept together, I wanted to get her pregnant

- But you're going to shut it up, Leonard ! Joey hates you, she will never love you, you are nothing to her, just a stalker !!

Furious, Leonardo hurts Oggy and beats him, Oggy protects himself with his powers but arrives with difficulty , Joey feels that her fiancé is in danger, she gets up from the bed, she asks her parents to watch over her daughter, she cannot l 'bringing it with her would be dangerous for Dana, then teleports to Sombra, the site of the final battle , as Leonardo prepares to deliver the final blow to Oggy, Joey intervenes using' Wave of ' Undine "on her enemy, she helps her fiancé to get up :

- Thank you, my love

- You're welcome, my entomiel

Oggy and Joey look at Leonardo in fury, Leonardo tries to shoot the two lovers, Oggy summons " Scorpion Strike " on Leonardo, Leonardo gets hit by Oggy's spell, Joey uses " Tsunami " on his enemy, suddenly Joey was going to use " Undine Waterfall " on Leonardo when Leonardo shot him on the leg , Joey collapsed , Oggy ran to his injured fiancée :

- Joey !!

- It's okay, okay, Oggy

Oggy takes out the tube of royal jelly to heal his betrothed , he heals her, Leonardo gets even more furious, he is mad about Joey, but at the same time he is afraid of O ggy, the young Kami of the insects, Oggy is sweet and mysterious but can turn into a fury if his fiancée and his entourage are in danger, he slaps Leonardo violently.

Even though Joey is doing better thanks to the royal jelly, she is still injured, he teleports Joey to the bedroom :

- Rest, my beautiful

- Thanks, Oggy

- You're welcome, my little axolotl

Oggy continues his fight with Leonardo .

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