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Parents. The first people in the world you meet. The people who are supposed too keep you safe. The people who shower you with gifts. The people who plan your family vacations too Disney World. The people who show you how to navigate the world. And lastly the people who give you your first taste of love and continue to feed you it.

Isn't it funny how people who are unfit to be parents are still parents. Humorous right? A spiteful chuckle left my mouth at the thought. Boston and Anthony Mason. Many people would call them my parents. Specifically my loving and caring parents. Parents that devote all their time into helping their child do better or get into their dream school.

However I think of them as dolls. Pretty and perfect on the outside and hollow on the inside. Empty. That's what they are. Well I guess snorting 10 lines of coke at a time will do that too you. The big brown grandfather clock that sat in my posh living room of the posh house I lived in the posh neighborhood that sorrounded us struck 3:30.

Rushing too my bedroom I picked up my one carry on bag and stuffed my huge stack of cash. I ran outside never once looking back and got in my exspensive ass car. With show parents comes show props. I eagerly sped out of my neighborhood on my way to the airport. This was it.

I was leaving. Leaving the picture perfect family that in my mind translates to a living hell. I have had this planned out for years now. And it was finally coming true. The exhilariting rush I was getting, was unlike anything I have ever experienced. And I have experienced alot from the most mediocre orgasms too the best summer night breezes.

Checking my luggage in I headed to terminal c23. The terminal that held my fate. New York no longer had anything to offer me. No friends, no co-workers and no real parents. I never seemed too fit in in New York. On countless accounts I was dragged out of my home too prissy white people events where everyone wants too touch my hair. Boston and Anthony may have smiled in their faces and laughed it off. But I didn't.

I hated it so much. The laughs on their faces. The smiles my parents bought to people's faces. Fuck. I hated it so damn much. Honestly I have no clue how they managed to holf conversations with people. They were always off of something.

Sinking into the first class plane seat even more, I felt my eyes flutter shut.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Please stay seated until we land completley. Welcome to Italy everyone. The time here is 12pm. Enjoy yourself." The pilot's voice flowed through my ears. A ghost of a smile forced it's way on my face. I was here. Its time too fuck hot Italian men all night and get drunk.

"Oh and happy 18th birthday too me" I checked my phone.

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