Chapter One

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The sun was shining in my eyes when I woke up from laying down on the hard ground with nothing but this old ripped blanket. I went to go look for food when Lucy woke up. "Lindsey, where are you going?" asked Lucy, " I'm just going to go get food. I'll be right back." I answered her, when I got back everyone was up and looking tired.

Suddenly I got a funny idea, I started to walk slowly over to him and once I got over to him, I bent down and yelled in his ear " Lucy is kissing a boy!" After I said this he jumped up and ran over to Lucy yelling " Where is he?!" When he was yelling I was laughing so hard to where it hurts and that I fell over into the ground. "What are you laughing at?"Stephen asked, "you should have seen your guys' faces, they were so awesome!!" When I was done laughing we ate food and started walking.

"Lindsey?" "Yes Rosie?" "When are we going to go back home?" "I don't know Rosie. I don't know..." I answered her question truthfully. When I was done answering her question that is when I realized that we had stopped walking. I took Rosie over to Lucy and let go of Rosie's hand and walked over to Samuel. 

When I got to Samuel he was on a hill. He was looking out over into something in the distance. I looked closer and I could see black puffs of smoke. That's when I realized it's a fire. Everyone else caught on when they saw me run down the hill to where the fire was.

When I got to the place that was on fire I stopped. When they caught up to me we walked in and walked around. There were little fires still going in some places and some things were pitch black from the fire and broken down. "It's a village..." Lucy said. When I got to the middle of the village I could see things more clearly. When I looked down I saw blood.

I saw something in the smoke. So I yelled out "HELLO!" I thought that it was one person but then I looked closer and there were more figures. I looked even closer and saw a Slow Walker. When I saw it I screamed "RUN!" We ran until we hit another valley and stopped. "What were those things?" Lucy asked. "Slow Walkers." Samuel answered. "Slow what's?" "Slow Walkers deadly creatures..."

"Slow walkers used to live with us out in the open. One day the king of the slow walkers was killed by our king when that happened the slow walkers raided our kingdom and villages and slaughtered men, women, children. Then they came to the kingdom claiming to kill the next king of our kingdom. That day came but they didn't kill the child they took him. But the slow walker kingdom was half forgotten. Till now. That is why we are running and going to the slow walker kingdom.

"So the slow walkers took the next king for our kingdom?" Lucy asked. "Yes." I said "well why don't we go get him?" Stephen asked, " because if we just show up there and say " hey we want the king to our kingdom back so we are just going to take him now so bye." that's never going to work they would kill us in a heartbeat." I said seriously.

"Well it sounded cooler when I was thinking about it..." Stephen said, I just rolled my eyes. We ate food, I looked over at Rosie to see that she was tired, "alright let's camp here tonight and head that way." In the morning I was watching Rosie play in the grass and that was when I got a flashback of when the slow walkers attacked our village and kingdom.

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