Chapter 3 - A Tricky Dessert (Tom)

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"That sounds amazing."

"Everyone but my ex thought so."

Maria's gaze softened. "Why?"

"She said I was spending too much of 'our' time on the Saturday excursions. She claimed I was always too busy for her."

"My ex acted the same way. Whenever I'd work late or pick up an extra shift because..." She stared at her feet. "I needed to, he'd lash out at me, accuse me of not loving him. It took as much energy to talk him out of those spirals as it did to work for eight hours."

Even though they'd been friends for over a month, she'd usually clam up when it came to her ex, like she was scared to say too much about him, or in the beginning, defended the guy. Tom knew about the cheating and lying that ended that relationship, but not much about when she and her ex were a couple.  

"That sounds exhausting. Did he do that a lot?"

Maria nodded. "I didn't realize how bad it was until I left."

"I'm sorry you went through that."

"And you too."

He felt like a fraud compared to her. Mackenzie's actions had hurt him, but she'd made passive-aggressive comments or spent more time away from their apartment. She'd rarely start throwing accusations around, only after he caught her with another man and she'd played the victim. He'd worked extra because he wanted to, not because he needed to.

"Would you keep teaching junior high science in Canada?" Maria asked.

His shoulders relaxed. "It'd like to. The students are pretty independent by that age, and you can have interesting discussions, even in their second language. What would you teach, if you had the choice?"

She looked over at the clothes in a brand-name boutique. He couldn't help but wonder if it was with longing. "I'm only a teacher out here. At home, I'm a server, an occasional prep cook, and a cleaner."

The way she said it brought back memories of working with those students who needed more air in their tires. Maria was capable of more than she was implying. "No need to knock yourself down. You must have earned a degree if they've hired you. Plus, you're great with kids."

"Bachelor of Arts in psychology, but it'll be years and tens of thousands of dollars before anything comes of that." She stared into the distance and sighed. Either she was sad about the expanse between her and her dream, or it had become a chore by this point. Perhaps she needed a more attainable career.

"If you taught next year, what age group would you teach?" Tom asked.

Maria slipped her hands into her pockets. "I loved teaching kindergarten during October camp."

"An education degree only takes a couple of years if you're interested in continuing back home."

Maria smiled, but her eyes darted around the mall at the different Christmas displays that were as big as, if not bigger than, the ones back home, despite Thailand being a Buddhist country. Commercialism was universal, unfortunately. She dragged a hand through her silky hair.

"Do you feel like dessert?" Tom stopped outside a waffle shop filled with couples and families.

The windows were frosted and decorated for Christmas, and cute holiday centrepieces sat on each table. Maria glanced at the store window and tensed. They'd posted the price next to the dessert, which was inflated, but he'd always walked by it and imagined sharing one with someone he cared about.

"My treat," he added with a grin. Food was important to her, so she couldn't turn this down.

"That's kind, but I can't take advantage of you. Is there something more reasonably priced somewhere else?"

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