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She turned away from the others—towards the door, staring into the split wood to keep from crying out loud at his pain and misery

Pain and misery

Severus Snape knew this all too well—he brought it with him, wherever he went

And she knew when he appeared by the door with his slick black wand pointed at Lupin—he was coming with a blanket of darkness and misfortune to spread upon them all

"Snape!" She gasped, her hand flying up—no weak spell of hers could counter his, but she could try

"I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend into the castle and now here's the proof" the man came through the door

"Brilliant, Snape. Once again you've put your keen penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion. Now, if you'll excuse us, Remus, Jasper and I have some unfinished business... to attend to"

"And if it isn't the Golden trio—he sneered looking at Jasper—reunited at once have we?"

"Severus don't be a fool" Lupin warned

"He can't help it—It's habit" Astrid thanked Merlin for Sirius Black and his humour—filling the crack that was growing down her chest with laughter she should most definitely not be letting out

You're about to be thrown to the Dementors she thought with terror and a rush of adrenaline

"Put your wand down Severus—Jasper sighed, holding his hands up to show he was unarmed and had no intention of harm—we're not here to fight"

But Snape didn't listen, he had a look of satisfaction on his face as he stalked closer too Sirius. Astrid was pulled back—away from Snape by Harry—he stood infront of her, watching the man closely

"Sirius be quiet" Remus huffed

"Be quiet yourself Remus!" Sirius retaliated

"Oh listen to you two, quarreling like an old married couple" Snape sneered

It seemed all saw what she did

"Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set!" Sirius said back, a small grin on Astrids face, finding this far more amusing than one should.

"Give it a break Siri" Jasper warned, holding a finger up at him like one would do to a misbehaving child

Snape lifted his wand once more—a malicious grin on his face

"Expelliarmus!" Harry yelled—except his wasn't the only voice that shouted. Snape was lifted off his feet and slammed into the wall, then slid down it to the floor.

The three other men looked at the four kids, each with their wands raised

Astrid craned her neck over Harry's shoulder—taking a look at Snape to make sure he wasn't severely hurt

"They work like us don't they"—Jasper smiled—even in anger"

"You guys shouldn't have bullied him you know" Astrid looked at the three man, her eyes flickering to Snape's body "it was wrong"

"How do you—

—my visions" she furrowed her eyebrows "strange isn't it? I can look at a person and read their past wether I want too or not"

"It was mutual" Sirius defended "he did far worse, he just doesn't speak of it"

Astrid shook her head but picked at the topic no more. It was bad enough that she had to watch Neville grow smaller and smaller with each passing day—watching the effects of bullying sprout on the boy, the kind and sweet boy.

Gryffindors princessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang