Chapter 12 Summoning

Start from the beginning

"Well first collage, 2nd I was never that into Undertale to the point I would read fanfics about it." said the 3rd figure.

"Well that does explain it." Exclaimed the 1st figure.

"H-how are we even suppose to stop the person who is controlling Error who can literally destroy AUs." Questioned the 2nd figure.

"Do not worry you people are not the ones fighting them." Said Matt.

"Then who is?" Questioned the 1st figure.

"I am." Replied Matt.

"Aren't you only supposed to summon the people to fight your problems?" Asked the 3rd figure.

"What? Did you think I am that summoner from a manga who literally does nothing after he summons the people to help him solve his problems." Said Matt.

"Umm no? Also who are you?" Asked the 1st figure.

"I am Matt I thought I already said this." Answered Matt.

"No I mean who are you? Like are you a god or something?" Questioned the 1st figure.

"No more like I am a max level gamer." Said Matt.

The figures all looked shocked at this and the 1st figure shouted "Wait your a player!?"

"No. I am a gamer not a player." Replied Matt.

"What the difference?" Asked the 1st figure

"I have a system and can gain levels without having to gain LOVE unlike you guys." Said Matt.

"I'm not a guy." Said the 3rd figure.

"Oh sorry. It's hard to tell in this smoke. Let me just clear it" Matt then teleported all the smoke to the void. 'Wait wasn't there a deity there and Gasters in the void? Nah I'm sure they will be fine.' Thought Matt.


In the void everything was peaceful until smoke suddenly appeared out of nowhere and started to condense. 

"🕈︎♒︎♋︎⧫︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎ ♒︎♏︎●︎●︎✏︎✍︎ (What the hell!?)" Said the deity named Void as the void started to be filled more and more with smoke.

Back to Matt

"Alright now tell me who you people are after all you people know me but I don't know you." Said Matt to the humans in the room.

"M-my name is Akuji Dierdre. I have turned 15 years old this year and I am in high school." Said Akuji in a nervous tone.

"I'm Rue Raven. I am 21 years old and I go to college." Said Rue.

Then the last person spoke. "My name is Y/n I am 14 and I am in high school." Everyone in the room then looked at y/n with a questioning expression.

"Wait your name is y slash n?" Asked Akuji without even stuttering.

"Yes." said Y/n.

"Alright you have to be joking I mean no one is actually called Y/n in real life." Said Rue.

"Yeah people are only called that in fanfiction. What is your actual name?" Asked Matt as he looked at Y/n.

"No that is my actual name." Replied Y/n.

"Wait are you not joking." Said Matt.

"Yes." Said Y/n.

"..." The tension in the room became so dense that you could cut it with a knife.

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