A Visit from the Wolves

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Art credits to @/three-fold-symmetry on tumblr!!

It had been a long battle. The men of the 104th were tired and dirty. They were also hungry, having not had time to eat for the three days the fighting had lasted. Even Plo Koon was as exhausted as his men, having fought by their side the entire time.

"Har'chaak," Wolffe said, causing Plo to look in his direction.

"What is it, Commander?"

"We need to refuel, General. We don't have nearly enough to make it to Coruscant."

"Hmmm. What is the closest planet?"

"Dohbar," Wolffe responded after looking at the map. He perked up slightly when he said this. "That's where General Jinn is from, isn't it?"

"Indeed it is. I'm sure we would be welcome guests there if we stopped by. Y/n might even try to throw a party for us, if they are there," Plo chuckled smoothly.

"Should I tell the admiral to head there?"

"Yes, Wolffe, please do."

"Yes, sir," he nodded before going to find the admiral, a new skip in his step. Plo smiled under his mask, thinking of how excited the rest his troopers would be when they saw you.

You were sitting in your garden, enjoying the nice sunny day when you saw the Venator slowly fly into view. You recognized it as Plo's and jumped up excitedly at the unexpected visit.

"Plo!" You said as you burst into the hanger, seeing him and his troops exit the ship.

"What are you doing here? Not that I don't want you, I'm just surprised!"

"We were running very low on fuel and I thought it would be nice to pay a visit to your home. You know I haven't been here in a while," he replied smoothly.

"Yes, it's been far too long. And how's the big bad Wolffe doing?" You tease as you glance behind Plo.

"Not too bad, General Jinn. Just a bit tired, that's all." You brought your brows together as you saw the bags under his eyes and the slight hollow to his cheeks.

"When was the last time you all ate?" You questioned.

"About four days ago," Warthog said as he approached you.

"Four days?!" You nearly shrieked. "Maker! Go, take showers. All of you smell. Yes, even you, Plo," you said as he gave you a look. "When you're done, dinner will be ready."

"Ah, you don't have to do all that just for us," Sinker said.

"Quiet, Sinker. Let them do what they want for us!" Boost said while giving his brother a look. You laughed to yourself at the boys. Boost loved your cooking, and he clearly wasn't going to let his brother take away his chance at having more of it.
"Go on," you said, shooing everyone away, Plo staying behind to talk to you. "I said you too, Plo."

He chuckled to himself before he pulled you into his grasp. You sighed contently at the warmth emitting through the force.

"I'm glad you're safe," you mumbled into his chest. He hummed in response as he traced your back with a talon. You stood quietly in his embrace for a few minutes, enjoying the comfort of having him back with you.

"You still smell," you joked as you pulled back slightly, looking up at where his eyes were covered by his goggles.

"I believe I recall you saying you enjoy my scent, my dear," he countered playfully.

"Yeah, when you don't smell like this. Now go, take a shower. I need to cook for your troops."

"Whatever you desire, my dear," he said before resting his forehead against yours. This was you little way of kissing, as he couldn't exactly kiss you. You placed a gentle kiss on his antiox mask before pulling out of his arms and heading to the kitchen.

"Kriffing... Hells... Maker..." Boost said as he shoveled his food into his mouth. "General Jinn, I swear you never fail to make the best meals."

You laughed as you watched him scarf down his plate, Sinker side eyeing his brother.

"Glad to hear it, Boost." He gave you a thumbs up before he reached to get seconds. Plo sat beside you, fondly looking at all his men as they filled themselves up. The smell of soap and shampoo was overpowering, but you didn't mind as long as they were happy.

"How's the 17th been, General?" Wolffe said from Plo's other side.

"They're doing well. Sans still hasn't forgotten the drink you promised him."

Wolffe chuckled before responding. "Well, tell your commander that he better be ready to go out when I get back to Coruscant. I'm dragging him straight to 79's."

"Not until after the mission debrief," Plo casually commented.

"Of course, sir," Wolffe said.

"How was the mission?" You asked, glancing at Plo.

"It went well, my dear. It was a long few days of fighting, but in the end we were able to overcome our enemy."

"Well, that's good to hear." You left the question of casualties alone. You could tell by the actions of some troopers that they had lost some close brothers. Instead you decided to talk about casual things. Well, casual for clones, such as what new weapons they've been wanting or new strategies to test out. Once everyone finished eating, you all agreed to go to an empty room and watch a holovideo. Half of the troopers piled onto a couch, squeezing until they were all elbows in ribs. They of course stuck you in the middle, making sure you were surrounded by their love. The others sat in front of it on the floor, sprawled out in a multitude of positions.

The only person awake at the end of the holovideo was Plo. He looked up from his spot on the floor to see your new position. He smiled when he saw how comfortable you were with his boys. You had moved so you were sideways on the couch, legs draped over Sinker's lap as you leaned into Boost's chest. Your arm hung down to loosely rest around the little Wolffe who was sitting in front of your spot on the couch. You moved slightly in your sleep, face nuzzling deeper into Boost's chest, causing him to wrap his arms around you and pull you impossibly closer. Your legs also shifted in Sinker's lap, and he gently placed his hands on top of them. Wolffe moved so that your hand would be in his hair, and in your sleep you began to gently run your fingers through it. Plo smiled a massive grin, though it was mostly hidden by his antiox mask. He took out a cam to capture the moment before he went to leave the room.

"Buir?" He heard a rough and tired voice call. He looked back to see Warthog covering a yawn. He waved Plo back over, moving so that he could have a spot on the couch between him and Comet. Plo's heart swelled even more for his Wolffepack. He quietly made his way back over and settled down, Comet and Warthog both immediately snuggling up to his side. He heard a small giggle and looked over to see you watching him. You gave him a smile before closing your eyes again, falling back asleep surrounded by Plo's Bros.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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