Chapter Four ~ An Old Friend Or An Old Enemy?

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Hi again! I do not own the characters just the plot!



His lips slowly began to brush mine, my eyes closing after seeing his do the same, I could smell the scent of minty toothpaste from Ryouma. So close...


That voice... Wait, what's he doing here?

*Izumi's POV*

I felt my heart stop as I heard the familiar voice shouting my name, I looked down at my feet, wanting to hide myself as I heard footsteps get closer before Ryouma was yanked back.

I let out a shallow breath and looked up at the man holding Ryouma by the scruff of his collar, a disgusted look on his face.

"Yuuji? What are you doing here?" I asked, even though I knew the answer, Yuuji was my brother Shougo's best friend, Yuuji was the son of a famous gang leader and had asked constantly for me to be his 'wife'.

"Your brother told me everything, so I transferred here to keep an eye on you while hes not around." Yuuji answered simply, dropping Ryouma to the ground and walking over to me, sliding an arm around me. "Lets go to class Izumi-kun."

I swallowed thickly, nodding to the boys request and walking along side him down the corridor, looking back to see Ryouma knelt on the floor still watching us with angry eyes, I waved slightly before facing the right way as I walked.

"I hate you." I muttered to Yuuji who just laughed and hugged me closer.

I no longer like school.


School passed by slowly, Yuuji stuck to my side constantly, not letting anyone near me, he was very intimidating, but by the time school ended.

I'd had enough.

"Yuuji, please just go wait outside, I'm only going to the toilet." I said firmly, crossing my arms, showing I wasn't going to budge. He rolled his eyes but started to walk away.

"If your not at the car in ten minutes I'm looking for you." I reluctantly agreed and waited for him to go around the corner before bolting for the back exit, I'd slipped a note earlier into Ryouma's pocket as we passed ways in the corridor.

I'd wrote on it, saying to meet me at the back of the school when the day had ended, thankfully he must have found the note, as I saw him stood by the brick wall circling the school.

I snuck up behind him and jumped onto his back, he screamed, a very manly scream (wink wink) and turned as I slid off his back.

"Izumi! You scared me." He pouted which made me laugh even more, I grabbed his hand and started running out the back gates.

"Hurry before he comes to find me." Ryouma caught on with my plan and chuckled, running along side me to the front of the school, he went first and opened the car down, allowing me to quickly rush inside the car before I could be seen by Yuuji.

Soon we were heading towards Ryouma's house and I leaned on him, a little exhausted by the running, I looked around the fairly large car and bit my lip.

Last time I was in here I was unconscious. I shook off the bad memory as Ryouma said my name, making me look up at him.

"Were here." He smiled at me, I instantly smiled back, finding it hard to resist the charming boy. Ryouma got out of the car first, lending me a hand to pull myself out as well.

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