The class goes on like usual. Mrs. Yoon was explaining the next chapter of Science.

Everyone focused on her and taking some notes including me.

But sometimes I take a glance at Hyunjin's table. I saw Hyunjin is munching something and I saw a box of brownies under his table, a smirk flashed on my face. I remember how I sneaking in our class just to put the brownies and left without any traces.

He ate it. Gonna give him more tomorrow.

I'm so happy!


Because I think.. I already like him. And I'm sure of it.

"Okay, class. Before we end the class I would like to remind you about our upcoming Science project. As I already told you last week about the school trip and I hope you're already preparing for it." Said the teacher.

The whole class start to make a happy noises.

"Well, no need to be so excited. This is a trip while studying not to play around. Its your best time to get to know about trees and animals better, understand?" Mrs. Yoon explained.

The whole class said yes in sync.

"Okay, the trip is in a week from now. Class dismissed." Mrs. Yoon left some notes before leaving the classroom.

"Yah, Jinnie.. Kitty.. can we go shopping today? I need to buy some stuff for the trip." Han turn to us.

"Once again you call me kitty I will kill you!" I murder Han with my eyes.

Han just stick his tongue out. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Are we going?" He ask again.

"Sure. I have some things to buy too,what about you Felix?" Asked Hyunjin.

Me? I felt worried. Trip means staying for the night, right? And I think... I will have to tell teacher that I'm not going to join the trip.

What if I turns into cat in front of the class? Yo! It will be a big problem..!!


I snapped out from my thoughts and saw Han and Hyunjin staring at me.

"Y-yes?" I am in a confusion.

Han just face palming himself. "See? I told you, he is not going."

"Going where?" I asks again.

"I asked are you going with us? Buying stuff for the school trip?" Hyunjin said.

"O-oh.. Yes. I'm going. Haha."

A bit awkward but oh well.

"Okay! See you guys at 5."



Felix's widen his eyes, surprised with what he saw.

"Wow! That's a lot!" Said Felix as he saw Hyunjin's cart full with stuff compared to his.

"Well, its Han's too. Lets go pay."


After making a payment, the three of them decides to grab some cakes and coffee.

They happily sitting while putting the cakes on the table.

"Jinnie, I heard there's new pets shop at the lobby." Said Han before sipping on his coffee.

"Uh yes. Wanna go and take a look?" Suggest Hyunjin.

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