Chapter 10 - One thing after another

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It's a week later and Mallory has managed to nail the man who shot that 14 year old. Mallory is at work, working on some paperwork when her phone lights up. It's a text from shay
*The texts*
Shay- Thought I'd let you know, I've booked dinner for 7 tonight? That okay?
Mallory- Thats great, works been slow anyway
Shay- Kk, be safe
Mallory- You too!
*Present day*
"What are you smiling at?" Erin asks
"Nothing" Mallory says as she puts her phone away
*At the Firehouse*
"So how's it going with you and Mallory?" Gabby asks as she sits down at the table
"Great, she's amazing" Shay replies as she smiles
"I've never seen you this happy, she better not break you" Gabby says
"Ambulance 61, Diabetes check, Hollow Street" The intercom echoes throughout the firehouse
Gabby and shay rush out and drive to their location. When they arrive they can see a man sitting on the couch with his brother sitting next to him
"I forgot the kit! I'll be 2 seconds" Gabby says as she runs back out to the rig
"Hey sir! I'm Leslie shay, can you tell me what's been going on?" Shay asks as she kneels on the ground
"Stop talking!" They both shout
"Huh?" Shay says as she looks up to see both of the men holding up guns to her head
"Get your hands up!" He shouts as shay slowly raises her hands
"Okay! Okay!" Shay says slightly panicking
Dawson arrives at the door but can see what's happening from outside. She doesn't want to call this in so she grabs shay's phone as it was the only one in the ambulance. She calls Mallory
"Hello?" Mallory asks as she answers
"Mallory! Where are you?" Dawson shouts
"Dawson? I'm Umm just coming back from a call why?" Mallory asks as she turns a corner
"Shay...She's being held at gun point" Dawson says as Mallory goes pale
"Send me your location! I'll be right there!" Mallory says as she flicks her sirens on and races to the scene
Minutes later Mallory arrives with Antonio
"I...I don't know what to do!" Dawson says in a panic
"Antonio make sure Dawson's okay! I'm going in" Mallory says as she grabs her gun from her hip
Mallory holds up her gun as she approaches the door and listens in
"You ungrateful bitch! You deserve to be shot!" The man says as he goes to pull the trigger
"Drop it! Or I swear to god you'll be the one bleeding out!" Mallory shouts as she holds her gun up to him
Out of the corner of her eye Mallory can see the brother pulling the trigger so she turns around and shoots him
"Do you what that to be you!" Mallory shouts
"N-No" The man says looking at his head brothers body
"Then put your god damn gun down!" Mallory shouts as he puts his gun down and Mallory cuffs him
"This is Detective Davis, we have a code 4, one man down and the others on his way into custody as we speak" Mallory says into her radio as Antonio takes the man away
"Mallory!" Shay says shaking
"Come here" Mallory says as she pulls her into a hug
"Thank you!" Shay says as she lays her head on Mallory's chest
"I've got you, your safe now honey" Malory says as she kisses shay's forehead

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