As i was walking to my department suddenly my eyes landed on my handsome wolfly who was Infront of our department along with his friends. He was looking dashing in his formals while giving his most charming smiling. Wolfy can smile too...I got surprised at him. I thought he is cold & an angry bird but no. I was wrong. Instantly my lips curved into a huge smile when i saw him laughing at something.

Who is making him that much smile. slowly my eyes shifted to the person, suddenly I felt a pang in my heart looking at the girl who is tugging his arm by leaning her shoulder on his arm while smiling widely at him..she is looking like a model with her fair complexion & slim figure.

I felt my eyes moist when i saw him with other girl laughing while holding each other..

why I am crying?

I don't know?

Then suddenly I remembered the caller id "sweetheart" on that day when i had his phone with me.She must be his sweetheart.

I think he loves her a lot that's the reason why he calls her sweetheart.

A tear escaped from my eyes when i saw him pinching her nose making my heart in immense pain.

"Hey closeup" someone called me loudly enough to make me come out of my trance.

Ayo kadavule..

why I'm feeling pain in my heart when i saw the scene in front of me. I don't want all these kind of emotions in me for that wolfy because i don't want to crumble my heart into million pieces at at last.

Please...i mentally begged to god and ran away from there to my class without even glancing at that person who called me.. I sat in my bench but the scene was playing Infront of me again and again.

Why i'm feeling like this...may be I have a crush on him.

Huff...i should stop crushing on him before it converted to love.

Because at last I'm the one who will be suffered from the one sided love.

Moreover He has a beautiful girlfriend....who looks like an actress. She suits beside him with his greek god looks. They both look cute together.

Where I look like an ugly pig. I won't be even worth to stand beside him.

Arghh...why i'm comparing myself with her.I felt like I'm a looser when i'm comparing myself with her. I was feeling like I'm good for nothing. I felt like I am a crap.


"hey, hasna"

I come out of my gloomy state by hearing my name.

I glanced in that direction only to see a guy who was looking at me with concern. I quickly wiped my tears...

"hmm" i hummed at him in confusion as i don't know him and moreover i never spoke to anytime expect Naina in class.

Then, how do he know my name?

"why are you crying? Did any anyone said anything to you? Tell me I will break their bones" he said.

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